Part 3 Chapter 5

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On January 3rd I had another stressful event going on in my life. Samuel was going back to base.

We spent the whole day just being with each other. His plane took off a little after 5 so I had until 3 to be with him. Our morning was spent wonderfully. We rolled around in the sheets until we had to get up and be productive. Which for us was going to get food.

I sat there and watched Samuel put his army uniform on. I memorized him tying his shoelaces to his boots. I memorized his lips kissing mine. I didn't want to cry, I did have to wipe the tears from Sam's eyes though.

We ate and then shortly after we were to be separated by an hour time difference and 7 hours between us. Our drive to the airport was fun. We sang and laughed and held hands like our lives depended on it.

I didn't want to say bye.

I didn't want to hug him for the last time.

I knew that I'd see him again 6 weeks later. It just hurt.

Walking into the airport was hard. We weren't allowed to hold hands or anything. Stupid army rules, but of course I had to respect them.

With his arms securely folded behind him and mine glued to my sides, I followed him through the check in line. Occasionally he'd lean down and give my cheek or lips a quick kiss before returning to his "required" stance.

I remember looking around and seeing multiple army guys standing the same way he was. I didn't want him getting in trouble so I refrained from doing anything that I thought would.

We checked in and we walked to where we had to split up and I hated it.

With my arms wrapped tightly around his neck and his around my waist we hugged for a small amount of time and he kissed my lips so delicately. We hugged once more and he whispered in my ear that he loved me.

I remember trying my hardest not to cry because it would just make it harder on him and that was the last thing I wanted.

I specifically remember my voice cracking when I told him I'd see him in February. Then just like that, he was walking through the gates to get ready to board his plane.

Walking away from him wasn't easy. I didn't look back either, I knew if I did I'd break harder than I already had.

I will admit I cried harder than I would've liked to. I just didn't want to be away from him for so long.


My sweet boy


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