Part 3 Chapter 2

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Fast forward and I didn't talk to him after that. He would occasionally message me on Facebook and start small talk, but around the time our friendship blossomed, I had met Ty from Strung Along.

You all know the story with him, so I'm not getting into it.

Ty and I only lasted about two weeks the first time we started talking. He came shortly before I found out I was pregnant and he left shortly after.

When we stopped talking in September was when my friendship/relationship with Sam started.

I remember I was babysitting the night he stayed with me the first time. Nothing happened except for a few intense makeout sessions. Nothing important to document there.

From there it was constant hanging out. At first as friends and then we ever so slightly became more. The gestures were simple at first, he'd pay for my meal or he'd grab my hand while we were in the car.

Then he met my family. They loved him. I on the other hand didn't see him much more than just a friend. I mainly kept him around to have someone to hang out and have sex with. Whatever sue me.

He knew I was pregnant, but he still wanted to be with me. I knew he was serious when I was exactly 7 weeks and 1 day pregnant. I started bleeding and it terrified me. He sat there with me at that hospital for hours. He held my hand and told me I would be okay. We got to see my baby and he was so excited.

I still just don't think I felt it with him. I friend zoned him and I was still heartbroken from Ty leaving me.

I remember the day he snapchatted me a picture of a paper that had the words army on it. It didn't register in my head what that meant. It didn't register that he would be leaving in October. I'll admit I was upset.

Sam was my best friend, we were alike in so many ways. We enjoyed One Direction and jamming to old Disney songs. We both liked food and kids. So to anyone we were a match made in heaven.

He just wasn't the bad boy to me. That's what I wanted, that's what I've always wanted.

Plus he was a little bitch. He was so in tune with his feelings and telling me why he liked me.


Lol reading this always makes me laugh. Right now it's making me sad. I miss him a lot. I haven't seen him since January 3rd. I haven't heard his voice since January 28th. I'll see you soon my sweet Samuel .


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