Part 3 Chapter 4

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I enjoyed being around him by this time.

***Trigger Warning***

At 1:15ish am on January 2nd, my life was traumatized. I had decided to have just one night of sleeping alone in my bed and I regret that decision. But then if I did let him stay, what happened might not have.

I had to work at 6 am so of course with me being pregnant, I needed the sleep I was getting. But at that time I remember hearing this broken voice calling out to me "Kayla please help me."

At that moment my eyes shot open and my 13 year old sister was standing over me with tears pouring out of her eyes and blood sliding down her arm.

I can't deny that I cried after I calmed her down and cleaned her up.

I can't deny that I panicked after I woke my mother up.

My first thought after clearing my head of what I just witnessed was to call my Samuel, so I did. How he understood me through the mess of tears I was producing, I have no idea. But he was instantly on his way to my house.

I tried to calm myself down from witnessing my sisters attempt at suicide but it just didn't work. I laid in my boyfriends arms that night and cried. I didn't sleep, every time I did I pictured my sister.

Please keep in mind that Sam and I have been doing this whole relationship thing since September. I'm aware of the short distance and I'm aware of the people that are convinced it takes AGES for love to come.

However, that night laying in his arms with him whispering those sweet words and wiping my tears, I knew I loved him.

I told him that next morning and of course he said it back.

I tried to go to work but I was such a mess I left as soon as my morning work was done.

I slept for hours it felt like. My mom had decided to take the plunge and we admitted my sister into Vanderbilt Psychiatric to get her the help she needed.


This time in my life seriously still gets to me. I remember it so well.

That's all I'm saying about this one.


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