Part 1: Chapter 9: 6 months later.

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It's been about a month now since I ended this story.

It's been a month now to realize that I wasn't as in love with him as I thought.

He was nothing but a rebound. A guy that just happened to be the one that seriously hurt me after my breakup with Joseph.

Of course I LOVED Evan. At one point I legitimately thought I was head over heels for him, but I was lying to myself.

I wanted to be so desperately loved that I threw myself head first at the first fucking asshole that made me feel special.

I'm now over it. I'm pretty much over him. I still examine his picture from time to time, but I'm not HURTING anymore.

My worry now is about the beautiful baby growing inside me. About starting a family with someone who truly loves me and my baby.

I'm adding this because I feel like it's important to the story.

Tonight is 1/30/17

Do you see that? SIX months after the story ended I'm updating this.

No I'm not updating it because we've hooked up.

He texted me.

After 6 months of nothing, he fucking texted me.

I know Evan well enough to know what he wanted when he texted me.

He also had the nerve to ask if my baby was his.

I don't want her to be his, I don't need her to be his. So I hope and pray she isn't.

He's an asshole, so why would I want my sweet daughter being around that?

I hope it hurt him when I told him that too. He deserves it. He deserves ever fucking bit of it.

He can't control me, he won't control me.

It felt good telling him what I needed to tell him.

Im not weak enough anymore to be that bootycall he needed for the night.

This is it.

This is a legit goodbye Cloud Nine 🌪.

It was a thrill writing you.

To bigger and better heartbreak.

To being Strung Along 💍.

-Love always,



Things happen for a reason right? It's hard to believe that 6 months after I finished the story he tried to talk to me again.

My story of heartbreak isn't over, you'll soon realize that I'm one of those that falls too easy.

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