She's frozen up again. We had been walking for at least another five hours and suddenly she dropped to her knees sobbing and shaking back and forth. Now, she is just sitting on the concrete with her head in her hands and tears running silently down her cheeks. She doesn't talk to anyone, not even me. I thought she'd come out of the freaking out stage again if I talk to her but again she doesn't do anything, she doesn't even respond when I threaten to eat Sean and Camen and her alive.
At first when I threatened those things I was kidding, not so much anymore. I honestly want to get rid of her right now. She is so hard to deal with! So much drama and she is weak. Weak is death. Death is to be weak. I sigh getting in front of her again and squatting in front of her.
"Hey Rumi, I'm just saying I know you are in there and you are obviously over the Scara thing, well you were a few hours ago so I don't know what is wrong with you now. I'm done making fake promises and threats. I'm also done being nice. I will give you one hour to clear all of this out of your head because right now, we need to keep moving. I am not spending the night on this highway nor am I going to carry you so when I come back you are going to be ready to get moving or I will leave without you. Deal? Great! I'm so glad we came to a decision here sweetie. Get up and get at em' one hour girl." I say getting back up and slapping her back. I feel her muscles tense under the pain but she is still quiet.
I walk over to Sean and wonder where Camen is "Where is Camen?" I ask him
"I don't know, off sulking because-" He cuts off "He's off sulking."
"Okay? Well I'm going to leave him alone. What's up with him lately?" I ask Sean rhetorically
"I don't know." Sean replies and I suddenly get a surge of emotions for him. Maybe I've been too hard on him, after all he is just a guy fighting for the girl he loves. As much as it hurts me to say that I think it's true. Sean's voice is ridden with sadness and disappointment and maybe even betrayal but I don't know about that for sure.
"Sean, I'm sorry if I've been too hard on you." I apologize to him which really ruins my reputation
"Woah, no need to get all water works on me when your bestie is somewhere in her head and your special man is all sulky do to personal reasons. You may be sorry but that doesn't mean I want to hear your sad little problems." Sean says in response which makes me angry
"I was trying to be nice but you turn it back like I'm trying to be a jerk or something. I was apologizing." I retaliate with built up anger and resentment pouring out
"If you are trying to be nice why not ask about my past huh? Why not see how I grew up in order to respect me more. Maybe then I'd respect you too." He says to me making me want to shrivel up with anger and sadness. Have I been doing this whole friend thing wrong my whole life?
"Tell me about your past, Sean." I demand crossing my legs and exaggerating everything
"Sure, Alex, I'd love to tell you about my life in the accords and traveling." He replies and then situates himself as if preparing to tell a story
"How long is this going to take because I told Rumi she can have an hour to sulk and then we are leaving. Once an hour has gone by I'm leaving." I say
"Not long, how long do you expect a tragic love story to take?" Sean says with a sad smile that makes my heart want to hug him in a friendly way.
"Blech, you mean love. I thought you love Rumi." I state plainly
"I do, now just listen to me. There is a reason you have two ears." He pauses to take a breath "So when I was young my parents taught me astronomy. They taught me about the stars and wishes and the beauty of the universe. They told me about how life was before the war and how amazing it used to be to be alive. One day I came upon something that would be commonly known as a map. Intrigued by the intricate lines and such, I was in love with cartography. My father taught me what all of the lines meant and he taught me the cardinal directions. Eventually we went on journeys to accords and he made me lead us all over the place. Then it happened, my Mother was attacked and killed. My Father went into depression and then, then he killed himself. He left me, the son he had always loved, the son he had hated enough to leave alone in this world." Sean says summing up his life in a few meaningful words that make me want to take back all of the things I have ever said to him that have been nasty and hurtful.
"Gosh, Sean I am so sorry." I say shaking my head
'I know that's what everyone says." He replies with a sigh
"Figures, well see my story was rough too so don't think you're the only one that went through some rough times. Has Rumi ever told you her story? It's not my place to speak but it sure is pretty tragic." I say trying to make sure he doesn't get a big head like he usually does.
"Oh, I didn't realize he have all been abandoned by our parents and forced to adapt to the culture around us and hike cross country with practically strangers. I never ever even noticed Alex. Thank you for showing me the light in the world. All my knowledge is due to your genius." Sean says and I hush him
"Stop being sarcastic it isn't nice." I look up at the sky and see that all of this bonding time with stupid has actually passed quite a bit of time. "Go find Camen, I'm going to go get Rumi. If Camen refuses leave with out him."
"Okay, I'm fine with that." Sean agrees jumping off of the hood of the red truck we had been sitting on and running off in some direction in which I assume Camen is in.
I go to Rumi and am able to get her up. We walk around for a bit and I realize she is still stuck in her brain, she is just mobile while doing so. As Camen and Sean come back we all start walking again, me in the front, Camen in the back and Sean carrying a helpless Rumi on his back. I really do wonder what's going on in her brain.
Thanks for reading! Did you like it? I know I did. What do you think is up with Rumi's head? I surely don't know ;)
Love you all
Hidden world
PertualanganThere is a world, that you should know of. It's here with you. You didn't know this but you carry it with you everywhere. The twitch in you fingers telling you to do something you really don't want to do. It's at the tips of your fingers and it's yo...