Rumis POV!!!!!!! ( I love chicken nuggets do you?)
" So your fine now?" I ask, I guess I was taking a strangers side, but he seemed trustworthy to me. What was I thinking, I should be Standing by my best friends side.
" I guess." Alexis mumbled
" yes or no." I say stubbornly
" then please stick beside me and not him." She glared at me
" Uh why." I exclaimed
" You shouldn't trust some random stranger over me." She sighed
" I'm not." I stared at her
" Okay then prove it by keeping your distance away from him." Alexis grinned
" I can do that." I mumbled," But what are the terns if this thing I'm suppose to prove to you."
" No flirting, no walking close to-"
I cut here off," I'm not flirting with him!" I yelled
" Sure." She looked the other way
" Okay we got a deal." I say," you Happy?"
" Yep." Alexis said getting up and patted herself," You have to break once and in a while from being strong."
" I have been forgiven, happy day today." I exclaimed getting up grabbing her arm
" Back up a little." Alexis groaned
" Fine." I sighed letting go and I see Sean with one hand on his hip
Sean turned his head around and smiled, my stomach had felt like some one had just twisted my organs. I just turned my head to Alexis and she nodded her head, I frowned and looked at the ground.
" So where are we going." Sean asked," I feel like I have been on some kind of horse cart that doesn't have it's third wheel going up a mountain designed to make you lose your lunch."
" I will lead the way." Alexis says starting to walk off
" I think I should, I'm better at directions." I look up and Sean grins at me, " Who do you think should, Rumi?"
" Alexis should." I mumble
" You see that," Alexis rubs in Sean's face as a young child would " She thinks I should do it."
" Fine with me." Sean smiles at me and I can't help but think about what is inside that sinister head of his
Alexis and I just stare at him, was he not hurt by it? Sean walks over by me and I step back just as Alexis jumps in front of me. She raises her eyebrow suspiciously at me and I can't help but sigh inwardly.
" Your not allowed to get near Rumi." Alexis says her voice rising to the pitch of her suspicious tone
" I don't think you should decide for her." Sean says as if proving Alex wrong " I guess-"
" She didn't decide that for me." I defend immediately ," I can't just trust you right now."
" And why not." He asked
" I don't know you." I say," plain and simple."
" Ha, again, after we get out if here, you can go to where ever you came from." Alexis said,"Let's go."
I have to stay on the left side of Alexis while Sean was on the right just shrugging his shoulders, he kept looking ahead and I feel guilty that I have hurt him or something.
We have been walking for about eight hours. My legs hurt and I'm not putting a filter on my complaints. I look at all of them and I complain again.
"My legs hurt so bad! I'm hungry and I really want some food and water. It is hot. My feet hurt terribly. I want to be home!" I say with a whiney tone.
Still time goes on and no one says anything to me, so I stop saying anything back. I hear Alexis sigh and I look at her. She squats down in the clearing we are in and puts her head in her hands. I lose my squeamish hope and huff in a measly attempt to hold in all of my emotions.
I just sit on a log all to my self and grab at my long, now stringy and greasy, hair. Tears slip out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks, we are officially lost. It is getting darker. I hate the dark so much, bad things happen in the dark. Sean keeps his distance away from me so that makes the agreement more easier to follow through with, if he acts like he is not there, I won't know he's there either.
" See I told you." Sean exclaimed all of a sudden. "But of course we cant listen to Sean, he's to stupid to know anything. We have to take little miss Insane's directions and now I am lost in these woods with two morons."
" Don't blame her." I say raising my voice louder than I should have
" Well I don't give a care in the world." He yells back at me," It's bad enough that I have to be with two girls who are annoying me!"
" I'm not annoying!" I cried," You're the one being the jerk here."
" Your the one being the baby here!" Sean wasn't his normal self or was this the real him?
" I don't care if I'm a baby, you jerk." Tears came flooding down my eyes
Alexis got up and went over to a tree and stared at it. I know that face. I know that face too well.
" Oh now what is she doing!" He growls throwing his hands in the air," The tree is not going to talk to you, Alexis."
" Stop yelling!" Alexis punches the tree multiple times back and forth, back and forth. She constantly huffs and puffs too, trying to keep her breathing regular as she lets out her anger.
" Well I know for sure you don't know how to control your anger issues." Sean screams at her.
" That doesn't matter!" Alexis yells at him, stepping away from the tree with bloodied hands. I see that the tree has a dent in it.
" Oh no," I gasp as realization hits me," I'm going to die!"
" No one cares!" Sean yells at me
" I don't care about you!" I yell and get up," I HATE YOU!"
I start to run in some random direction, I had cut my self on a couple of branches and I stop when I see a lake. Across that was a faded red tent with carts and signs, it was the market me and Alexis always go to, the one right next to our home!
" We are saved!" I yell and jump around and realize no one is with me, I drop to me knees and hit my self, yelling "Stupid stupid stupid!"
I am by my self, I don't even know how to swim in order to get across the stupid thing.
I cried my self to sleep and woke up in someone's arms. I look up to see that they are Sean's, Alexis is there too.
" Perfect timing." Sean said," So this is your home."
" You can put her down now." Alexis growled
" How did you guys find me." I cried," I was happy I found where the market was, but you guys weren't-"
I was put down," We actually worked together to find you and our way back to you twos home." Sean said," I will go back to Camens place to see if he is still locked in a room Alex put him in."
" Thanks." She mumbled
"'For what?" He asked
" For carrying Rumi while I couldn't cause if my hand." Alexis groans
" You let him carry me?" I ask astonished," What about the agreement."
" Just be happy it gone." Alexis said and Sean was already walking off, we opened the door to see-
Hold the phone, you have to find out in the next chapter
Don't you just love me
- jessie
Hidden world
AbenteuerThere is a world, that you should know of. It's here with you. You didn't know this but you carry it with you everywhere. The twitch in you fingers telling you to do something you really don't want to do. It's at the tips of your fingers and it's yo...