Chapter One- Last Day

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*That's me on the side or Hannah Carter..?>>>>

Chapter One

One more day.

Tomorrow is the last day before Thanksgiving break. I honestly can't wait! I'm finally getting to see my mom. I haven't seen her since the summer.

My mom lives in Ireland, so I never get to see her. We call each other occasionally. My mom and I are really close. We tell each other everything.

When I was little, I lived with my mom in Ireland. My dad lived in the states. My mother thought it would be a good idea and have me move with my dad. I was only in 1st grade when I moved with him. I visited my mom about twice a year, and sometimes only once.

Today is Monday night and I have school tomorrow. But I get out at 2. Tomorrow afternoon at 5 my plane leaves for Ireland. I can't wait to see her and my brother and sister.

My brother, Matthew, he is 13. He can get on my nerves sometimes but I love him. And my sister, Rosalie, she is only 2. She has a lot of the same features as I do though. She has blonde hair just like I do. She has blue eyes, while I have green ones. She has fair skin like I do, too.

If you're wondering if I am the oldest in the family, then you are correct. I am 16. I wouldn't say I am the prettiest. I have blonde hair and blue-green eyes; and I have braces. I am not the kind of person who gets all the guys. I couldn't even tell the last date I have been on.

In other words, I just got home from school. I parked my 2003 Taurus in my normal parking spot at my house. I turned the key off and grabbed my purse and school bag. I stumbled out of the car into the chilly fall air. This week has definitely been one of our colder weeks.

As I got to the front door of our house I grabbed for my keys in my pocket and unlocked the door. Knowing that no one was home yet, I quickly walked upstairs to my room. I threw my bag on the floor and grabbed my laptop. I got on twitter for a little bit. Nothing really interesting me, I shut down my laptop.

I decided I better start packing. Yeah, I am really lazy. I pulled a bag out of my closet and started throwing some outfits in there. Then pulled some sweat shirts and pants and threw them in there too. I walked to my bathroom and grabbed all of that stuff. Once satisfied with my packing I went downstairs to the kitchen to get a snack.

I went to the fruit bowl and grabbed a banana. I turned the TV on to see if anything good was on and there wasn't. I finished my banana and threw it away.

I decided I was kind of tired so I went and layed on my bed.

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