Chapter Seventeen- Buddy

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When we pulled up to Niall's house, I quickly got out and opened up Niall's door to help him out.

"Y-you look p-pretty tonight" he slurred out while I pulled him up to his front door.

"Thank you Niall, but you need to quiet down." I said opening his door. We slowly but surely walked up the stairs to his room.

I layed him down in his bed and covered him up. I was about to leave when Niall grabbed my arm.

"Can you stay here tonight, Hannah?" He asked.

"Sure, but can you give me some clothes to wear to bed?" He got up and pulled a sweatshirt and sweatpants out of his drawer.

"Thanks" I took the clothes into his bathroom.

I pulled my hair up in a messy bun and slipped out of my dress. I put on the clothesNiall gave me. They were big, but very comfy.

I came back in his room and he was already asleep. I slowly climbed in with him. He looked so cute when he slept.

I kissed his forehead goodnight and fell asleep.


I woke up, but I couldn't get out of bed. Niall had his arms wrapped around me.

I slowly got out of his grip and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

Since Niall will have a hangover, I found in his cabinet some Advil and I poured him a glass of water. I put them on his bedside table.

I started getting hungry, so I went back to the kitchen and decided to make some pancakes.

I mixed all the ingredients together and started pouring the pancake mix into the pan.

While flipping the pancakes I felt a pair of arms go around my waist.

"Thank you" Niall said into my neck.

"For what?" I asked as he pulled away.

"Well for a couple of things." He said taking some pancakes and putting them on his plate.

"Like what Mr. Partier?" I laughed.

"Well for one, you make amazing breakfast!" He said taking another bite of pancakes.

"And for taking care of me last night." He said.

"Niall, I'm always gonna be there for you." I smiled and he smiled back.

We sat there for a little bit eating. I decided, I'm going to tell Niall about my feelings for him. We are bestfriends and we tell each other everything.

"Niall, what would you say if I told you I like as more than a friend?" I asked trying to not make eye contact.

He sat there in kind of shock for a second.

"Well I would ask you what time you want me to pick you up?" He said with the biggest grin on his face.

"Pick me up for what?" I asked confused.

"For our date tonight!" He said.


Awww Niall and Hannah are going on a date!! But will there be problems Hannah will face? Hmm only I know!! lol Keep voting and reading!! And I love it when you guys comment!! I Love talking with people!! so comment sometime!!


X Hannah

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