Chapter 20- Dreams

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I never said anything. We never said anything. Niall and I sat there and cried together for who knows how long. We both cried ourselves to sleep.

I was making food in the kitchen for dinner.

It was kind of hard with my gigantic stomach in the way.

“Mommy, when is dinner going to be ready?” I look down to the little girl to be 3 years of age. She had her father’s blue eyes and my dirty blonde hair. (** Picture on side>>>>)

“Dinner will be done soon! Go play with your sister!” I said she smiled and ran off.

Just then, the front door opened.

“I’m home!” Niall was home from work.

“Daddy!!!” The two twin little girls ran up to him and he gave both of them I big hug and kiss.

“How are my girls?” He said.

“Good!” they said back. They left and ran to play again.

Niall walked over to me.

“How are you feeling” He asked me giving me a kiss on the cheek.

“Wonderful, now that you’re here!” I said.

Niall got down to belly level and lifted my shirt.

“How’s my baby boy doing?” He said while kissing my stomach.

My baby moved around inside me and Niall looked up at me in amazement.

“I guess that answers my question!” He laughed.

He brought his lips up to mine again.

“Amara, Mikayla, Time for dinner!” The two little girls ran in and got there plates.

Niall turned to me again.

“I love You!” He said.

“I love you too!” I answered back.




I open my eyes quickly and look up to Niall.

I look around and notice we are still in the hospital. The tears begin to pour from my eyes again.

Niall calmed me down to just sniffles.

“Hannah, what was your dream about? You kept saying my name and saying you loved me…” I looked up to him.

“Niall… I-I had a beautiful dream of our future. We had twin daughters name Amara and Mikayla. And we were expecting a little boy on the way. We were just so happy together.” I just bawled into his chest.

“Shhh… That can still happen Hannah!” I calmed down enough to look up at him to listen.

“While you were asleep the doctors came and told me that they can do surgery to remove the tumor…. You can be healthy again.”

I started to cry again, but not tears of sadness and sarrow, but of happiness. I new that everything was going to be all right.

And most of all…

I new Niall was going to be there for me through it all!

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