Chapter Nine

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After having our stomachs filled up, we all Headed back to my house.

"mom I'm home. And the boys are here." I heard some shuffling in the kitchen and my mom came down the hallway.

"well hello guys! Nice to meet you I'm Tenza! Hannah's mom!"

My mom shook all of the guys' hands.

"okay well I'm gonna go make some cookies! U guys have fun!"

If there is one thing you know about my mom is that she is a terrible cook!

"mom you can't cook!" at first she gave me a hurt expression, then it turned into laughter. "your right!"

"I have a better idea! How about you relax for once and the boys and I will make cookies!" all of the boys' faces lit up!

Niall ran up to me and gave me a giant hug.

"you are my favorite person!" I just sat there in niall's arms blushing up a storm.

My mom was just giving me a smirk and walked out of the room "have fun!" she yelled.

"so Niall, when are you going to let go of me" I pulled back and looked up at him.

"when you pull me in the kitchen and start making cookies" he is now smiling down at me with those gorgeous blue eyes.

"well then.. Let's get cooking!" oh did I mention that I am a great cook.

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