Chapter Sixteen- PARTAY!!

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*THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR THE VOTES!! I love all of you!! this story now has 104 reads!! that's amazayn ;D!!

I love you!!!

X Hannah

After finishing my oreos and milk I went upstairs to look for what to wear.

I have a problem.

I don't know what to wear.

I go over to my closet and rip it entirely apart.

I finally decide to go with a black, gold and silver sparkly body-con dress with my black wedges.

I hurry up and take a shower. I quickly get changed into my dress and start on my hair.

I blow dry it and give it some loose curls. I put on a little mascara.

"Hannah! Niall's here!" My mother yells from downstairs.

He's here already!

But its only... 7... oh...

I quickly put on my shoes and grab my phone and jacket. I run down the stairs to a very nice looking Niall.

He's wearing a plain black V-neck with skinny jeans and white supras. Plus a white snapback.

"Hey! well don't you look fancy!" I commented giving him a wink.

"Thanks! I could say the same for you! You look beautiful, Hannah." He said giving me a wink back.

"haha thanks! Okay bye mom! we are leaving!" I said opening the door.

"Okay honey be safe and make good choices!" she yelled. I just laugh.

My mom doesn't worry about me too much because she knows that I make good decisions.

I got into the passenger side of Niall's car. Niall and I sang to the radio all the way to Harry's house.


Once we pulled up, the place was already packed.

"Hey Niall, can you stay with me tonight because I don't know any body here besides the boys." I asked.

"Yeah of course! I'll make sure to make it the best night ever!" He smiled and I returned his smile.

"Thank you." I told him.

"Always" He said while getting out. I unbuckled and got out of Niall's car. He met up with me and we walked to the front door together. The music was so loud.

I didn't realize I was holding Niall's hand until now but it felt right. Like my hand was fit to be there? I don't know how to explain it.

Niall opened the door and I held his hand tighter. He looked down at me and smiled to tell me" its okay"

As soon as we walked through the door their were people everywhere. Some snogging in the hallway. Some dancing in the living room.

Niall tugged on my hand.

"Do you want to dance?" He asked motioning towards the living room.

I smiled and nodded.

We moved towards the living room and Niall started moving hips in a weird way. I just started laughing. He laughed and pulled me to him. We started jumping around and acting like idiots. We were having so much fun.

The music slowed down and I started to leave the living room but Niall pulled me back.

"Niall I don't know how to dance slow." I explained.

"I'll show you." He said while placing his hands on my waist. He put my arms around his neck and we started to sway back and forth.

I leaned my head on Niall shoulder as we kept swaying.

Soon the song ended and I started getting thirsty.

"Hey Niall. I'm kind of thirsty." I said in his ear over the loud music and people.

"Okay follow me!" he said while grabbing my hand. He lead me into the kitchen and there was tons of tubs of beer and kegs.

He lead me to the fridge.

"What do you want? Water, soda,...?"

"water is fine" I told him. He handed me a water bottle and I took a drink of it. He grabbed a beer from a tub and opened it to take a drink.

"Hannah!" I heard someone scream. I turned around and Harry come up to me and gave me a big hug.

"Hi Harry!" I said as I hugged back. He smelled of cologne and alcohol.

He pulled away from the hug and looked at me. He looked me up and down.

"Wow Hannah! You look hot." Harry said.

"Um thanks." I looked over at Niall and he didn't seem to happy.

"Okay Harry go find Louis." Niall said with anger in his tone.

What did Harry do that made Niall mad?

"Okay!" and with that harry left.


From the looks of it Niall was already drunk and I was getting tired, but its a party. I have to stay a little longer.

"Niall let's go dance!" He nodded and we walked back to the living room.

We danced for a little while longer but i was getting really tired. I spotted Liam talking to a few guys. I left Niall dancing and went to go talk to Liam.

"hey Liam"

"Oh hey Hannah! Where's Niall?" He asked confused.

"He's getting his grove on" I laughed looking at the dance floor, but he wasn't there.

"Well was... Liam I'm gonna go find Niall." But before he could answer i was already heading to the kitchen.

I walked in the kitchen and there was Niall drinking, yet, another beer.

"Hey Niall, can we go home now?" I asked him.

"Sure b-babe a-anything for you-u." He slurred. Yep! He's drunk.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him through the house. Once we made it to the car, I put Niall in the passenger side and closed the door. I walked over and got into the driver's side. Niall handed me the keys and we went to Niall's house.

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