Chapter 19- What?

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Niall walked me home from our date. We were standing at my front door. I turned to him.

“I had the best night ever Niall! Thank you!” I said. He smiled.

“Me too! And anytime princess.”

He leaned in and our lips touched for the second time tonight.

I felt as if I was getting dizzy from the kiss. We pulled back for air and I looked into his beautiful blue eyes.

And that was the last thing I saw before I saw darkness…


I could faintly hear this annoying beeping sound. And I could smell cleaner and, what was it,… Hospital.

I’m in a hospital! How did I get here? The last thing I remember was Niall and I were on a date and he took me home and then, nothing?

I opened my eyes a little to see a sleeping Niall next to me.

Just then, I heard the door open. My mother walked in yet it wasn’t mother. My one cheerful mom was now drained and had bags under her eyes and a tear dried face.

Her face lightened up when she saw me.

“Hi Hannah! I am soo glad your awake!” She said in a releaved tone.

I look over at Niall and he is still in a peaceful sleep.

“He still hasn’t left. He won’t leave your side. The other boys have come to visit about twice a day.” My mom said motioning to the big mountain of teddy bears and balloons saying get well soon.

I laughed a little at that.

“How long have I been here?” I asked.

My mom sighed, “About 4 days…”

“4 Days!” I shouted. I heard a shuffle next to me. Niall was waking up. God danmit! Way do I have to be so loud!

His eyes fluttered open. Once he saw me He smiled brightly.

“Hey! How long have you been awake?” He asked

“Only for a few minutes” I said. He smiled again.

“How are you feeling?” He asked.

“Well kind of freaked out that I’m in a hospital, but a little tired…” I said. He just laughed a little.

My mom walked out of the room, leaving Niall and I alone.

“How about you get some sleep then.” He said.

“But I have been asleep for 4 days! I just want to leave… Why am I here anyway?” He gave me a hard look. Then his face turned sad and his eyes became watery.

“Niall… what’s wrong?” I wiped a tear that ran down his face with my thumb.

He grabbed my hand and held it close to him. I moved over to one side of my bed and patted the spot I opened up next to me.

He climbed in next to me and held me close to his chest.

“Hannah…” Niall finally spoke.

“Yes Niall” I asked looking up at his yet again teary face.

Then he spoke again through his tears, “Hannah, the doctors told us that you have Leukemia…”

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