Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Today I’m going to go eat lunch with the boys. We are going to Nando’s. Which is the best restaurant known demand!

I think Harry is coming to pick me up. Then we are going to meet the rest of the boys there.

Deep down I was kind of wanting Niall to pick me up… wait what am I saying? Do I fancy Niall? No he just wants to be friends… but what if-

Just then I heard a honk signaling that Harry was here. I quickly said bye to my mom and ran out to the small black car.

I hopped in.

“Well hello gorgeous!” okay I am definitely blushing right now.

“Hey” I said, quickly to turn and face to look out the window so he doesn’t notice my blushing.

He smirked at me and started down the road to Nandos’.


We pull up to the restaurant and I unbuckle my seatbelt. I get out of the car and Harry follows me inside.

As we approach the door, Harry quickly runs in front of me and opens the door.

“Ladies first” he smirked

“Well thank you dear sir” I say in my attempting british accent. He just laughs at me and I walk in.

I instantly spot Niall and the other boys at a table by the window. He sees me and smiles. I return the smile and make my way over to them.

“Hey guys!” I say sitting directly across from Niall.

“Hello-Hi-Vas Happining?-Hannah!” they all say. I just give a slight giggle and I start to look at the menu.

Hmmmm what sounds good today. Ooo I know what I’m going to get. I get it pretty much every time I come here.

“So Hannah, what are going to order?” Niall asks in his awesome irish accent.

“I’m going to get the Peri Peri Chicken. I get it every time I come here!”

“Hey, you are just like Niall! Except he orders that and the rest of the menu…” Louis says like it is an everyday thing.

Niall looks at me with a proud look on his face and I just laugh.

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