Chapter Ten

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Once I got into the kitchen I grabbed all the materials I needed.

"So what kinda of cookies are we making?" Liam asked.

"Only like my favorite kind!" I answered. They all gave me a questionable look.

"And what kind is that exactly?" Louis seemed kind of scared as to what my favorite kind of cookie is.

"SNICKERDOODLE!!!" I screamed at them. Niall started laughing. Man I love his laugh. Did I just say that? I don't like Niall. Or do I?

I smiled at them and preheated the oven to the correct temp. Harry came by my side and started mixing things in to a bowl that I set out. He looked at me with a questionable smirk.

"Hannah. You have a little something on your face." but before I could even look, he blew flour right into my face.

"Harold Edward Styles!" I yelled out. He just sat their and laughed at me. I started laughing to and grabbed an egg out of the carton and smacked it right on top of his head. All the boys stopped laughing, including Harry.

"Ahhh my curls!!" Harry screamed. After that sh*t got real. All of the boys grabbed some sort of ingredient and a full out war happened. Niall, Liam, and I were on a team and Harry, Louis, and Zayn were on the other.

Let's just say that my mother was not very happy when she came down to get a cookie.


After the Kitchen war, we all decided we should go take showers. The boys took there showers first and came out fresh and clean. I love the smell of dude!! not the b.o. but the axe smell. Anyway I took my shower last.

I made sure to get all the flour and egg shell out of my hair. Then I shaved because I was starting to feel like a Yeti. Once I was cookie mix free I hopped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself.

I opened the door and all eyes from all five boys were starring at me. I stopped in my tracks and tightened the grip on my towel.

"Guys get out!" I screamed. All of the guys quickly got up except for Harry.

Harry gave me a smirk and looked me up and down and slowly followed the rest of the guys out. What a perv!

I quickly got changed in to a pair of yoga pants and a soccer sweatshirt, or football, with the number 13 and Carter written on the back. I made my way down stairs to the living room and sat down in the only open space next to Niall.

We were watching a movie and I slowly got really tired and fell asleep on Niall's shoulder.

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