Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

“What game are you thinking of?” I asked curious to know.

“Well little Hannie, we are going to play 20 questions!” I just rolled my eyes at the “little” nickname Louis gave me.

“Okay sounds fun!” I’m kind of excited for this game. Weird Right?

“Okay I’ll go first then, what is your favorite food?” Niall said. OMG he has an Irish accent!!!

“Umm I don’t know I like A LOT of food it’s hard to pick. I really like Italian food. Like pasta and such.” I replied. Niall smiled a little and all the boys turned and looked at each other with grins on their faces.

“How many siblings do you have and how old are they?” Liam asked.

“Well I have two siblings and my brother is 13 and my sister is 2.” I answered.

“How many guys have you dated and kissed?” Harry asked.

“Of course you would ask that Harry!” Niall stated. Harry just gave him a cheeky smile. And might I say the cutest smile I have ever seen.

“Umm well I have had one boyfriend and I have never been kissed…” I replied hesitantly.

“I see…” Harry said grinning wide.

“How old are you?” Louis asked.

“I’m 16” I answered.

“Where does your mom live?” Zayn asked.

“Oh. She lives in Mullingar.” I answered. When I said that Niall quickly raised his head and looked straight at me.

“Really?” Niall asked.

“Yep, why do you ask?”

“It’s funny because that’s where I live too!” Niall said.

“That’s cool maybe we should hangout sometime!” I said. His smile grew really big and he nodded his head. Then he handed me his phone. And I handed mine to him and we exchanged numbers. Well he passed around my phone to all the guys and put their numbers in. I put number in their phones too!

“Please head back to your seat and buckle your seatbelt we will be landing in 10 minutes.” The lady announced over the speaker. I said my goodbyes and headed back to my seat.

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