Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Once I got the text from Niall, I gave my mom a hug and kiss on the cheek and ran up to my room. I jumped on to my bed and read the text.

Niall:D – Hey! It’s Niall from the plane. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and the lads later?

I laughed at the name he put in my phone.

Me – yes I remember you! And of course I would love to come and hang! I also have some news… ;)

Niall gave me the address and I told my mom I was going to see some friends and told her I would be back for dinner. She said that was fine and I grabbed a jacket and scarf and left.

I pulled up to a normal house. It was actual only a couple of blocks away from my house. I turned off the car and walked up to the front door. Once I knocked, there stood Niall with a beautiful smile on his face. He was wearing only sweat pants and a t-shirt.

“Hey Niall.” I said quickly before he noticed I was checking him out.

“Hi Hannah” he said in his gorgeous Irish accent.

He offered me to come in and his house was nice. Well I guess pretty normal but for normal it was nice. I took my jacket off and he offered to take it from me. Once he left to take my jacket into a room, I was just standing there in the walk-in. Then Louis popped around the corner and screamed my name while giving me a gigantic hug.

“We missed you!” Louis said.

“Louis I only saw you like a few hours ago!” I said while laughing. He stopped hugging me and pulled me into the living room. All the guys were in there watching a movie, well, besides Niall. Niall then came rushing in behind me.

“Oh. There you are. I came back and you weren’t there anymore.” Niall said with a worried look.

“Sorry Louis attacked me.” I said sympathetically

He laughed and Louis looked a bit hurt. I just laughed a little then went and sat down next to Liam.

“Wait what was the big news you were going to tell us?” Niall asked.

“Oh! I was going to tell you that I’m moving back with mom! So I’m going to be living here in Mullingar!” I said excitingly.

“Yes! Now we are going to be the best of friends!” They all looked really happy but Niall seemed to be the happiest.

**** Okay guys!! I wanted to say thank you for reading my story, but I need some feed back. ill update when you guys comment and tell me how you feel about the story soo far....

With Love,


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