Chapter Twelve- Good Morning

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I am the first one up, as usual. I have always been one of those people that go to bed late and wake up before 10 am. It's weird, but I can't help it.

Since all the boys were still asleep. I decided to make them all breakfast. For a 16 year old I am a pretty good cook.

I made about 15 omlets and a WHOLE lot of bacon and I poured everybody orange juice.

Soon I heard Matthew come down the stairs.

"when you were in the US, this is what I missed the most. Because we all know mom can't cook!" He said to me taking a plate and orange juice.

"Thanks! I miss cooking, too! I never really got to do it at my dads." I answered.

My mom came down the stairs holding Rosalie on her hip.

"Good morning honey!" She greeted.

"Morning mom! And good morning Rosalie" I walked over and grabbed Rosalie and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She giggled at me.

"Rose, why don't we go wake up the boys?" she smiled and nodded her head.

I walked into the living room with Rose on my hip. I crouched down next to Niall.

"Niall, breakfast is ready." He opened his eyes and looked at me and smiled.

"Morning Hannah! And who might this be?" Niall asked looking at Rosalie.

"This is my sister Rosalie. Rose can you say hi to Niall?" Rose nodded her head and gave Niall a big hug and he returned it.

"Rose how about you go wake up the curly haired one and I'll wake up Louis." she nodded her head and jumped on top of Harry. I laughed and Harry woke up and started laughing and talking to her.

I woke up Louis and Liam. and I gave up on Zayn. I walked into the kitchen and Niall, Harry, Liam, and Matthew were in there eating.

"Did you make this Hannah?" Niall asked

"Yeah I am like the only one that can cook in this family." I answered.

"well you sure as hell are a good one!" Harry said.

"well thank you!" I answered proudly.

"Since I cooked, you guys clean!" I said and left to go get changed.

I heard all of them groan as I walked up to the stairs. I just laughed.


Here's your new chapter!! thanks to those who are reading! I really am greatful! but let me know what you guys think so far!

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