Chapter 18 part 2- Date Night

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Niall walked up to the door.

"Hey!" I greeted him.

He looked so hot in his casual clothes. He was wearing his free hugs t-shirt and jeans with a snapback and supras.

"Hey! You look beautiful." He said eyeing me up and down.

"Thanks" I was blushing up a storm.

"Well lets hit it!" He said. He grabbed my hand and I followed him.

We held hands walking down the sidewalk. The cold air brushed past my cheeks, making me shiver. I moved in closer to Niall's arm. He smelled amazing.

"What made you start to like me?" Niall asked, curious.

"When we sang and wrote "truly madly deeply" together." I said looking up at him.

He thought for a second.

"Did you know when I first started writing that song it was about you?" He said.

"Really? You meant all those things?" I questioned.

"Yeah" He said.

He pulled me into a park. Their was a tree with twinkling lights in it and underneath was a picnic.

"It so pretty Niall!" I said in amazement.


We ate our picnic and had a lot of laughs. He also carved our initals into the tree. So we can remember the day forever.

"Hannah? I want to give you something!" He said. He pulled out a long shape box and opened it up.

Inside the box was an airplane necklace.

"Niall its so beautiful!"

"It reminded me of the first time we met." He said. He took the necklace out of the box and put it around my neck.

I turned around and looked into his eyes. We were inches apart. He looked down at my lips and back up to my eyes. We slowly leaned into each other. When our lips met there was fireworks going off everywhere.

It was a simple kiss but it was so much more.

I think...

I Love You Niall James Horan...

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