Chapter Three

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I slowly stared to wake up to notice I wasn’t in my bedroom. I was on the plane still. The cabin was pitch black and outside it was dark too. I checked my phone. Wow. I slept for 6 hours. That means only two more hours to go.

I got up out of my seat and walked to the bathroom. The bathroom was tiny and it didn’t have much. I looked in the mirror to fix my hair. I didn’t look that bad for sleeping on a plane for 6 hours. So I just combed it with my fingers a little; and walked back to my seat.

There were a few people sleeping in the cabin. I looked around and noticed five guys watching a movie in the front. I was thinking maybe I should ask to watch since I am really bored.

I walked over to them and looked at each one of them. They were kind of hot. The one closest to me had blonde hair and blue eyes. The next one had long curly brown hair and brown eyes. Next to him was a guy with long straight brown hair and blue eyes. Next to him was a curly haired, green eyed guy. And the last guy had dark brown hair with brown eyes.

“Hey, I was wondering if I could watch with you guys because I’m really bored.” I said.

Brown eyes and curly hair said, “hello, sure!”

Wow! British accent!

“Okay thanks, and by the way my names Hannah!” I said now they were all looking at me and the movie was paused.

The same curly hair and brown eyes guy spoke again, “Yep, I’m Liam” pointing to the blonde, “and this is Niall” pointing to the curly hair, green eyed one,” that’s is Harry” pointing to the blue eyed, long brown hair, “that’s Louis” then pointing to the last one, “ and that’s Zayn”

“Oh nice to meet you!” I said, then I sat next to the guy named Niall. He looked at me then back at the movie.

The movie was about half way through when I started watching so when it was over I stilled had about another hour left of my flight.

Once the movie ended, the boys all turned to me.

“So why are you going to Ireland?” Liam asked me.

“Well I’m coming to visit my mom for break.” I answered.

“Oh icic” Liam said.

“We should play a game with our new friend!” Louis said. We were all wondering what game he was thinking of. I mean we can’t play too tough of one because, I don’t know, were on an airplane.

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