Chapter 21-Darkness

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Today was the day. The day I am getting surgery to get rid of my cancer. To be honest I’m not scared of the cancer any more. I am mostly scared as to whether I’m going to wake up from this surgery.

I guess you can say Niall and I are official. He has been here with me since day one in the hospital.

Everything about Niall makes me forget about the bad things. We can sit there and talk about anything and he listens to me. He understands.

He calms me down after my nightmares. Well, I guess you can call them that. They are usually about the future and what it would be like if I lived. Most of them are about Niall and I and our future children. Its weird because it’s the same twin little girls and I’m usually pregnant with a baby boy.

The dreams are like a story because each dream my stomach gets bigger and bigger. So in my dreams I should be giving birth to my baby boy soon.

Deep down I feel like they will always just be dreams…

I looked down from my train of thought to Niall holding my hand. He looks like he’s got something on his mind.

I lightly squeezed his hand. He looked up at me with a warm smile.

“What you thinking about?” I asked him

“Umm just today… life… us…” He said kind of nervous.

“What about us?” I questioned him.

Just then a nurse came in.

“Hannah, we are ready for you” she said. I looked to Niall to tell him to continue.

“Never mind, just, I will see you when you wake up!” He said.

The started to wheel my bed out of the room and down the hallway. But I heard yelling. I looked back to see Niall yelling my name.

He came up next to my bed, breathing rapidly from running.

“Hannah, just remember that… I love you!” He said. I looked up into his beautiful blue eyes. A single tear slid down my cheek.

I leaned up to him and placed a kiss on his lips.

“I love you!” I said back while pulling away from the kiss.

We gazed into each other’s eyes until the final door shut and I could no longer see him.

A mask was pressed on my face and I let darkness take over me.

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