Chapter Five

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*this picture is just too funny!!! #Larry #babyNi

Chapter Five

As soon as we landed, I unbuckled my seat and grabbed my carryon bag and headed for the door. The guys all looked at me and waved bye as I walked by. I waved back and walked out the door.

Coming out into the airport, the first thing I did was look for my mom. Looking around I notice a sign. It read, “We Love Hannah Carter!” I looked to see who was holding the sign, and of course it was my mom. I screamed and ran right into her arms.

I missed my mom so much. I picked up Rosalie and kissed her on the forehead. She just laughed at me. Then Matthew was standing there like he was too cool for me. I walked over and gave him a hug and he hugged back. No one knows my brother like I do.

After all of the hugs, we went and got the rest of my luggage. We all gathered in to the car and started our travel from Dublin to Mullingar.

As we came to Mullingar, I started remembering all the good times as a kid I had here.

I missed living here…

We pulled up to an all too remembering house. I got really excited and jumped out of the car. I went and grabbed my suitcases and ran up to my room. As soon as I got to my room it was like I had been gone forever.

I was finally home.

In my room I still had all of my old pictures in frames from when I was little. There were some pictures of my dad and I. I still had my blue duvet. My whole room was decorated in all blue. I had a pretty average size room. The best thing about my room is my windowsill bench. I love it because I can just sit there and write. I like to write songs. It’s kind of like my journal but in song form.

After I did a little unpacking, my mom called me down to the living room to talk.

“Hannah, we need to talk to you about something.” My mother said in a serious tone.

“Okay, you can tell me anything.” I reassured her.

“I was wondering if maybe you wanted to move back with me.” She asked hesitantly.

“YESS!!! OF COURSE!! OMG THIS IS SO EXCITING!!” I can’t believe that I’m going to living with my mom again!

Just then my phone went off.

It was from Niall! My day just keeps getting better!

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