Chapter Thirteen- Niall's Song

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*Sorry Short chapter.... I didn't get 3 votes like I asked but I couldn't wait any longer to update! Comment and let me know what you like and don't like about the story please!!

X Hannah


Once breakfast was ate and the boys cleaned it up, they all went home.

I wasn't feeling too good so I went to my room to relax.

My head was killing me!!!

I walked in my room and noticed Niall's note book.

He must of left it here last night...

I picked it up and looked through it. There were tons of songs in there that Niall had wrote, but the one I noticed was the one Niall sang last night.

Since he has been such a great friend to me I think I should finish it.


After finishing the song I went down stairs for a snack.

My mom was down in the kitchen too.

"hey mom!" I greeted her.

"hey Hannah! are you feeling any better?: she asked.

"Not really. I have a killer headache. I just came down to get a snack!" I walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a bag of oreos.

 I pulled out a glass and grabbed the milk out of the fridge. I poured my glass of milk and grabbed my oreos and went back to my room.

While eating my oreos, I heard a knock on my door.

"come in!" I called dipping another oreo in my milk.

My door slowly opened and Niall came in with a bowl.

"hey Hannah! your mom told me that you weren't feeling well, so I had my mom make some soup for you" he said walking over and sitting next to me on my bed.

"Oh tell her I said thank you!" I said.

He smiled, " I will! How are you feeling?"

" A little better, but my head just hurts..." I explained.

" Well good thing doctor Horan is here because I brought movies and soup!"

"What kind of Movies?" I asked.

"Well you don't seem like the romantic type, so I brought horror! He said holding up a few dvds.

"Yes my favorite!!" I yelled.

"but we can't stay up too late because we have school tomorrow!" He said tapping my nose.

"You know I am actually excited!"

"Good! You should be excited to hangout with me and the lads all day, everyday"

"Oh joy!" I said sarcastically.

"So which movie first? Evil Dead or Nightmare On Elm Street?"

"Nightmare on Elm Street" He popped in the movie, while I started slurping my soup. He came and sat next to me on the bed.

I laughed during the whole movie, getting weird glances from Niall. Scary movies don't scare me. I think their funny. I'm weird, don't judge me!

After the movie, Niall had to go home. He told me bye and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I don't know why but I got little butterflies in my stomach.

Do I fancy Niall?

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