Chapter 2

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It's been a day and I still haven't gotten a text back from Jack. My mind has been all over the place with questions filling my head. Do I still love him? Did I want to be his girlfriend? As I try to push all these thoughts out of my head I get out of bed and get ready for school. I put on my uniform with my white converse, grab my bag and start walking to my bus stop. I cant stop thinking about Jack he was my best friend and i can't even get a text message back now. I wonder if something's happened to his mum again? Maybe there's something he's not telling me. But Jay couldn't have been dating me because i don't think Annie and he ever broke up. Annie was the popular girl of the grade everyone pretty much bowed before her which i thought was totally wrong. She would start rumors and lies about everyone and mostly about me to get her way. She was very pretty long blonde hair and blue eyes and skinny.When I get to the bus stop I see Annie there and I almost puke at the sight. It's her and Jay I knew they didn't break up. I turn away and put my earphones in and when the bus comes I hear her smack her lips into his. I watch her flip her hair and make a disgusted face at me. I have to roll my eyes. I'm walking on bus when my phone vibrates Jack pops up my screen and what makes it worse is that he says no. I knew it i was NEVER dating Jay. if that kiss wasn't enough proof this was as we drive away from the bus stop i stick up my middle finger to Jay and my jaw tightens. He watches me until the bus is far away. He was just toying with my feelings. He played with them so much i didn't know if i loved him or if i'd moved on. I couldn't help but sigh. I was played again. I let them get to me. I never fall for this shit yet i fell for it this time. Why did i fall for it? Why the fuck am i so stupid? Why Kayla why? As i sink into my seat and Macklemore pounding my ears i feel a tear fall down my face. I quickly wipe it away and then another and another fall and before i know it's like my eyes are waterfalls. Fuck. All i can think is how i was excited i was "dating Jay" which was a lie. How could i like him? Why would i EVER like him after this? Just because he was there for me when i was getting bullied doesnt mean im ever going to forgive him for this. People might think i'm over exaggerating but this means a lot to me since we were friends last year. First Jack wants to leave me and now Jay. Jesus i must be a big mistake if everyone wants to leave me. I don't want to get attached to anyone. I don't want to love anyone ever again because i love everyone i meet with all my heart and i just get stood on like i'm a foot mat.But getting lost in you thoughts doesn't help and right now i'm drowning.


I walk into school and go into the bathroom to try and fix myself up. I go into a cubicle and close the door. As i close the door i notice something wrote on the door. 'Kayla Sarene is the biggest whore you'll ever meet die in a hole you son of a bitch' i try wiping it off with some toilet paper but it stays without a smudge. Walking out of the cubicle i hear a familiar voice making me sprint back into the cubicle. I sit on the toilet covering my mouth so the girls don't hear me.

"She's just the biggest jealous whore i've ever meet. Did you see her looking at Jay this morning" I don't have to see her put perfume on i can just smell it and i feel like i might suffocate. The girls walk out of the bathroom talking about me. I walk out of the cubical washing my hands and splashing my face. I pick up my bag and get ready for another crappy day. Walking to the canteen i hear Flick say 'Buying food cos you're such a fatty' i ignore her and proceed to buy my fruit salad. I walk out of the canteen with my fruit salad and sit at a table waiting for Elena to arrive. Whilst i wait i open up instagram and scroll through my feed.

"Hey" Elena says startling me.

"Oh my lord you scared me" i say jumping up and hugging her.

"Whats happened?" she says sitting down.


"Kayla you're white as a ghost and you haven't ate any of your breakfast"

"Oh nothing" i weakly smiled. "I only just bought it"

"Kayla we're going to my locker and you're telling me everything" she says taking my hand.

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