Chapter 7

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Night Diary

I ended up getting home drenched thanks to the wet weather. I went to bed and got another message ruining my whole happy mood life. Imagine was all i said. I always said imagine because i knew i would never have a happy life and be happy. I would never have any friends or family. It was just the truth, and i had to remind myself no one loved me. The pain i am in no one will ever understand 'Go cut yourself' flashes through my mind. NO. NO. NO. I can't let him win i need to stay cool he's just trying to make me angry.  I have to reply. 'You hate me for no complete reason so fuck off'

'Wanna know why i hate you because you're an annoying shit. I had at least 10 girls messaging me that i told you to commit suicide when i said cut yourself'

'Well alex if you fucking hate me so much then don't talk to me'

'Whatever bye les' And that's how the conversation ends. I can't handle the pain and the hate for shit i've never done. "Hello Nathan can you talk?"

"Yeah whats up?"

"Flick and Alex, I don't know what to Nathan i'm going to fall apart"

"Dont worry, cry let it out you're strong and you're going to be okay, don't let them get to you ok just ignore them they're only jealous" The tears stopped rolling down my red cheeks and i knew he was right i knew i had to be strong. After an awkward silence i manage to thank him. "You don't need to thank me you were always there for me and i'm always going to be here for you ok sis?"

"Thanks Nathan"

"You all good now?"

"Yeah thanks bro"

"Goodnight sis i love you"

"Night bro i love you too" I go into the bathroom and turn on the tap. I drop in a bath bomb and decided i needed to relax and lose those messy thoughts. I lay in the bath and let the soap sink into my skin. I put my hair into a loose bun and feel the warmth of the water sink into my bones and loosen all the knots in my body

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