Chapter 33

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I push open the doors and storm into starbucks looking for the victim. I scan the room until i see a guy quickly get from his seat and rush out. I run up to him and push him up against the wall.

"OI YOU SON OF A BITCH WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT TO DO WITH MY GIRLFRIEND? ITS FINE ILL BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU FOR HER" He tries to scramble away making me tighten my grip. "TELL ME GRAY WHAT SHE DID TO YOU OH THAT'S RIGHT SHE DID NOTHING BUT HELP YOU" I'm getting pulled off him by a staff member. I manage to scramble out of the staffs arms and chase him to his car and hit im in the chin. "Dont you ever talk to her again" I growl. As im getting pulled away he has the nerve to mumble something. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?" I say trying to go at him. 

"Time to go" a staff member pushes Gray in his car and he speeds off. Im surprised he didnt piss himself. I get of the staffs members arms and get into Braydens car and speed back to the hospital. When i get back Kayla is awake and seems to be fine shes walking and talking and smiling her beautiful laugh. 

"Buttercup" I say embracing her into a bear hug.

"Kathy where's kathy?"

"Oh shes fine shes in bed awake she said to tell you and ben you have prom again tonight so go and get ready" Liam explains.

"But i have somewhere to go"

"no need i already fixed him up" I say grabbing her hand. "Go wait in the car i'll be there soon" She nods and heads for the car with elena. 



"I love you mum" I run out of the hospital and get in the car .

"Come on lets go" Elena says speeding off. We get home and i have a shower in my bathroom, kayla in mums and elena in the bathroom. Its very hectic to make sure we dont see each other before the prom. Once we have finally finished i look at myself in the mirror. Wow this suit does look good on me i smirk. I walk downstairs seeing Brayden. "We'll meet you there" i yell up to the girls.

"OKAY" I hear them yell back. Let the journey begin.



"Come on" I rush elena. We lock the house on the way out and start the car. 

"I love the white dress kayla its beautiful" 

"Thank you" I say giving her a smile. "Lets go" 

Once we get there i see ben and felecia staring at him so i go and kiss him on the lips making her roll her eyes. Yeah bitch he's mine. We walk in hand in hand and head straight to the dance floor this is going to be another crazy night.

"Anyone want to say any words for class of 2016?" It goes quiet and no one volunteers so i do.

"Me" i say walking up to the stage. "I want to say thank you to all my friends helping me through my school years and the amazing teachers also the bullies because you guys have molded me and made me who i am today and i want to say good luck to all of you and that you are all beautiful dont give up and let anyone get yo uom because you're special and perfect the way you are" I step down from the stage and walk out with Ben on our journey home. 

"Yes buttercup"

"LA tomorrow"

"I know" He says rubbing my leg. "We're all packed now we just have to wait" He says squeezing my thigh. "Youre going to be fine kayla trust me. Now go to sleep you look exhausted" 

"No im fine" I say struggling to keep my eyes open.

"Shhhh sleep buttercup" And with that i feel my eyes flutter close and fall into a deep sleep with ben on my mind.

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