chapter 16

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As i awaken i remember today's my first day of school. Going from a catholic all girls school to a coed public school is a big change for me. The work shouldn't be much harder but it's the people i'm worried about. And the boys, if they try anything i will knock them out first hit. I'm not letting people get in the way of my education. I walk to the bathroom going to the toilet and washing my face. I put my school uniform on and put my hair into a pony tail. I straightened it last night so i can make a good impression. Grabbing my white converse i slip them on walking to the bathroom. I put a thin layer of mascara on my eyelashes because they're already long i don't want to make them look like wings. I look in the mirror and smile. This is a new beginning for me and i need to make the most of it. I grab my bag and books and my tiny pencil case from year 4. Its black so it never goes out of trend. I walk down the stairs passing Ben's room. He's still asleep!!! 

"GET UP BEN!!" Someone yells from behind me. I jump clenching my bag.

"Oh sorry Kayla its just Bens a lazy ass" Jayden snickers. I just laugh and continue down stairs. As i get there i smell pancakes making me skip a step sending me to the ground. I hear Kathy laugh. "I am STARVING" I laugh. She passes me 3 pancakes and maple syrup. YUM. 

"Kayla i would eat the last one on the bus if i was you. BEN GET YOUR ASS UP THE BUS IS HERE" She winks. And then you hear "SHIT" And Ben is sprinting out the door. "Thanks Kathy" i smile. "No problems have fun" I wave to her and walk out the door. I take my first bite into my last pancake when i notice ben staring. "What?" I ask.

"Oh nothing"

"Its the pancake?"
"Oh yeah that's what i was staring at" 

"Here" i say passing it to him. "I've already had two"
"Nah i'm right you eat it"

"Okay..." I finish the pancake and its been well over ten minutes until the bus finally arrives. As i walk on the bus i see "cool guy" group. "Cool girl" group and the outsiders. There's no seats left and the bus driver is making me sit down, next to someone i don't know, so i quickly sit next to Ben.

 "Kayla" He hisses. 

"Look it's the girl Ben likes" A boy snickers from behind us. He turns round and whispers something to the boy giving me a chance to put my earphones in. He pulls them out.

"You won't even know i'm here"

  "Well i kinda will know because almost every boy has their eyes on you"   

"Ben admit every time she's on bus you look at her AND you told everyone at school-"  The boy won't shut up.

"Put your earphones back in now" He says frantically putting them in.

 I roll my eyes and just relax remembering i need to breath and i will be fine. As the bus pulls up to a bus stop i see two rather hot guys get on. Brothers they must be. Slowly watching his actions he looks for ben then sees me and sits in front of us  near a black haired boy. I know theyre talking about me but i don't care because soon i will be in a new school with no friends and i will be lost. 

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