Chapter 47

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"Thats a wrap baby" Maria says through the voice machine. 

"Thank god i thought i was never going to hit that high note" I joked.

"Did you try Sia's vocal warm ups ?" She says as i walk to my drink bottle.

"Yeah i did and i feel like they helped me reach the high note a lot easier than i would normally" i say squirting some water in my face.

"But Kayla" She says facing me. "You're getting some serious attention you know you're even a feature in Sia's songs people are starting to want to know who you are and i know you don't want anyone finding out who you are so what are you going to do?"
"To be honest maria i want to stay anonymous i don't want anyone knowing me ill stay on youtube and itunes people can download my music and when i go places with sia i will borrow a wig and ill just help the people who feel they'll never get passed that sick day"

"So you don't want to become famous?" She looks at me weirdly.

"Yes that's correct i want to do what i love and not be stalked by paparazzi i want to live life with my boyfriend and stay young not get sucked into the workforce so early"
"But see there's a bit of a problem"
"What's that ?" i say biting into an apple i packed.

"The Bieber concert.... he knows you and he knows you're attending so if i were you id let Tyler know that you want nothing to do with his spotlight"

"Tyler?" i question.

"Justin's god brother. I roll my eyes this is exactly what i need.

"You're in a money making job Kayla we can't stop things you make a lot of money for us to use your songs on our youtube but radios will start feeding you money for your music"

"So be it" i beam. "I really don't mind because my music is to help me once again i say my music is to connect with my lost fans they can pay me for my music Maria but they're not paying for a pretty face because this" i say pointing to my face. "Shall never be revealed" I walk out of the recording studio and into Tylers office. "Hey" i say walking in and dropping my apple core in his bin.


"So you're bieber's god bro?"

"Tell him i want nothing at his concert"
"Im staying anonymous and you knew that why'd you tell him id be there?"
"He wants you to do and acoustic with him"

"But i'm staying low i don't want fame"


"Tyler you're really being an asshole at the moment no wonder why youre single" i say walking out of his office.

"I WOULDN'T BE SINGLE IF YOU LOVED ME BACK" He calls after me. I drop my bag then and there and slowly turn around. 

"Oh yes my romeo i'm just going to drop my bag and have my tongue down your throat because you said you love me. You make me sick you lie that much" I turn around picking up my bag

"Yeah Kayla it's not a phase and i thought if you got famous you'd leave here and travel the world and id get over you"

"BUT CAN'T YOU SEE" I take a deep breath. "That isn't what i want" And i push the glass door.

"Wait" I turn.

"Just come to my office" I grunt and follow him."look" he says sitting down. "I know this isnt what you want but i've already planned shit out for you" I puff and sit up straight.


"Ive put you on the map justin is letting you do one song with you here in LA"

"So you're gonna pump up fans like theres no tomorrow then i have you a whole tour planned-"


"Meaning your tour starts in three months but don't fucking jump to conclusions i've already set it up all you need is your friends-"

"And boyfriend" i evilly smile.

"To join me"

"Wait so you're saying in three months i'm singing with Bieber and starting my own tour"
"Pretty much but all you need to do is pack clothes and hair shit even though you have hair and makeup and a wardrobe fashion lady so yeah"

"Wait hold up" I say moving my head back. "Why are you doing this again?" Because look i have depression and your music has literally helped me and i know it will help others also after the tour which will take around one year you'll be completely off the map you can go back home in the hills where no one knows you live you can write your blog to give advice and write music because no one will know you behind that wig"
"You know i could hit you but i feel that isn't fair since you just gave me a whole tour for free so i'm gonna fist bump it" I hold out my fist.

"Get out"
"Whatever laters loser" i smirk. Holy shit this is bad real bad but if i get married like that old lady on the wall there no one will remember me. I shrug and walk to Ben's lambo.


"START PACKING!" Elena screams.

"Babe are you sure we'll be completely off the map?"
"If we just disappear into thin air then obviously"
"And if you guys get married the paparazzi will show no interest in you because you're not "MEGA" famous" Elena rolls her eyes.

"But i took this opportunity because i want to treasure every moment with the people i love. You guys"

"What will you be called?" 

"I'm currently anonymous on my blog and i talk about how you can overcome fear etc but i think i can be called the Hoodie girl. I'll always wear a hoodie to hide my face and even a platinum blonde wig with my black glasses"

"Because you rebel girllll" Max laughs.

"Pretty much" i chuckle.

"Baby i can't believe this you don't know how nervous i am"

" I am too but at the end of the day on stage i'm the hoodie girl and at home i'm Buttercup and only you can call me that" i say pecking his lips.

"Your brother would be proud" he says pulling me into his chest.

"Only because my parents aren't"

"No you're parents are proud too-"

"They're not looking down at me they're smothering dylan with God's desserts" I hear a laugh escape ben's lips.

"But i'm smothering you with all my love" He says cupping my cheeks. "Because unlike them i love you" And he plants a kiss on my lips.

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