Chapter 27 Say your goodbyes

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Kayla's P.O.V  

Goodbyes are never easy. They're never a happy time and never a time when you feel loved. I feel like i am leaving Ben too easily and that he's going to forever be angry at me back i have to, i need this life and maybe new friends. I walk in the halls receiving nothing but smiles. No one knows. Not one person but Ben and i imagine max and liam now. 

"KAYLA!!" Max runs up to me tear spilling down his cheek. "You're really leaving..." he picks up my hand hope in his voice. I grab him in a hug. "I love you so much these last weeks with you no one can top you have been the bestest friend i could EVER ask for i want you to know im only a phone call away or even a plane trip away"

"But Kayla" I look at Liam who's behind me.

"The whole school loves you we love you"

"Not Ben" i say looking over my shoulder at him. Hes on his phone like usual, the sour ben is back. "You know you helped him. He's not screwed up anymore. Kayla you've helped him so much" 

"But i cant let this go i have a chance of getting a job. A job i love" I let go of them. 

"I'm sorry" i whisper, i turn my back and walk out of this school. Jayden picks me up he's already got my suitcase in the boot of the car. "Ready?"

"Ready" i nod. 


I get to the airport and thank Jayden and walk to the counter. This line is MASSIVE!!! 

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