Chapter 35

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At least 5 hours through the flight

I keep tuning try to get comfortable i finally get comfortable with my legs on Ben.
"Um hey hello excuse me?" I whisper to ben. "Do you, you know still like me? You do right?"
"Why are you asking me this right now?" He asks not opening an eye.

"Because you're being quiet" I say pulling a blanket over the top of us.

"Babe i'm sleeping" He says leaning on me.

"Oh yeah sorry" I watch him fall back to sleep and actually wonder how he likes me? I am so annoying if i was him i'd be like dang girl go the fuck to sleep. But Ben just stays cool like a cool cucumber and carries on with life. Like how does he do that? If i tried doing that i would probably have an anxiety attack because i would have anxiety either way and if i tried acting cool i would probably slip on a banana in the main corridor.

"Psst" Elena. "Oi wake up" I say poking her. Note don't ever sit in front of me or anywhere near me whilst on a plane flight. "Ill pull your hair"
"What?" She says turning around holding her hair.
"Can we get Cheetos when we land because i am soooooooo hungry"

"Go to sleep" She says leaning back on her pillow.

"Yes mum" i say rolling my eyes. I lean on Ben and try to sleep again. I'm literally running on a 4 hour power nap i had when we first flew off, and now it's actually night time i cant sleep. I grab my phone and take a selfie with ben and pretend to be asleep so people think someone else took it. Bens so cute asleep what the hell and then there's me looking pale because of the flash. How could i be so lucky to have him?

"WE'RE FINALLY HERE" I say shaking ben awake.

"Clam down kayla" Ben says rubbing his eyes.

"But max liam and brayden are already off"

"Ok lets go" he takes my hand and elena follows. We catch an uber to our house that Liam and max's dad has had as a holiday house.

"So where you kiddos off to?" The driver asks. Liam gives him the address and he looks very surprised. And then laughs. We get out of the car at our holiday house and all gasp in shock at how big it is.

"WOOOOOOW" Elena gasps and her jaw drops. Its three storeys and the view is gorgeous. Liam opens the garage ith the house keys and sitting there is ben's black matte lamborghini. Oh  wow i love it. The boys run to the garage and elena and i run into the house unpacking.
"This house is so big" elena says walking up stairs. There's 4 bedrooms with king beds and 2 smaller bedrooms with single beds. Elena and I get first picks on the bedrooms and we get the fancy ones.
"This house is amazing , it has a spa pool and an outdoor kitchen" I say running outside.
"ELENA!!" I call from outside. "Let's go for a swim"
"Not this week" she says holding her stomach.
"Period cramps" I sa finishing her sentence off for her. 

"Yeah" she says sitting on the couch. "Do we have any chocolate?" She says turning on the tv. I go through my bag and find a kit kat bar that i bought before we boarded the plane and forgot about.

"Here" i pass her the chocolate and sit across from her on the couch. 

"Can you believe this? We're in LA i'm going to a music job tomorrow AND i have the dream car i've always wanted" 

"Ok 1 Kayla you aren't the one producing your songs and 2 that's ben's car remember"
"Thanks for bursting my bubble" I mumble. 

"Anyways its 4pm now do you guys want to go out somewhere?" Elena asks eating her kit kat.

"Nah i just feel like sleeping" i say pulling my blanket from  the plan over myself. We watch a couple episodes of Keeping Up With The Kardashians and i walk upstairs and crash.

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