Chapter 36

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I wake up and feel cramps. I go to the bathroom and see the red in the toilet. 

"Oh don't i love mother nature" i mumble to myself. I go to my wardrobe and throw on a dark top and dark pants as i walk out of my room i put on my slides and grab ben's keys. I walk downstairs and unlock the front door.

"Where do you think your going at this time?" Someone frightens me. I turn on the lights and see Max and Liam sitting on the couch arms folded. 

"LA for one day and parties already unbelieveable"

"I'm just going to the store real quick"

"No you're not"


"What if you get robbed or kidnapped its just going to have to wait until the morning"

"But what if it can't?"

"Than we will go, what do you need?" Liam challenges me.

"Pads" I say with an eyebrow raised.


"Yeah you know the thing that catches all the blood that flows from the vagina"

"Bye Max" Liam says pushing him out the door. Liam laughs grabbing a packet of cheetos.

"I'll take them" I say snatching the cheetos out of his hands. 

"Stupid women"

"Excuse me? You think its my fault i was born a women and because i'm not getting pregnant any time soon that the lining of blood has to shred because i hate it as much as you do. And don't get me started on the cramps" I say shoving my face with Cheetos. It goes quiet and i feel really bad.

"I'm sorry Liam i ovary exaggerated" I laugh.
"Your puns are actually so bad" He laughs. I munch on my cheetos when i have an in coming facetime from max. I answer it and see the confused look on max's face.

"Why are there so many?" He says turning the camera around. 
"Max see the blue packet right there with 25 buy that one and the purple one next to it"
"These ones?" He says pointing the pads i really need.

"Yes now go pay quickly"
"The ladies giving me a weird look"
"Please for sister"

"Okay okay be home soon"

"Poor dude" i say putting my phone down. Liam just laughs in response. Not long after we hear the door open and Max throws me the bag.

"You don't understand how embarrassed i was. And when i said they were for my sister they looked at me like i was some perv" 

"Thank you so much"  i hug him and sprint up stairs the my bathroom. Im safe now and know i wont leave a stain anywhere. 

"Where were you?" Ben says frightening me.

"Oh i needed to go to the store real quick but my bomb ass brothers wouldn't let me go so Max had to and get me my pads" I explain.
"Did he buy you chocolate and food?"

"No i'm fine we have food from yesterday"

"Ok well come to bed you have work tomorrow" I lay next to ben and fall asleep to the sound of his breathing.


I wake up to my alarm ringing in my ear and ben's wrapped around me. I slowly move out of his grip and fix his arms around my big teddy he bought me. I go to my wardrobe and pull on my black jeans with a white shirt and my leather jacket. I walk into elena's room and shake her shoulders.

"Brayden i'm never sharing a bed with you again" She says turning to go back to sleep.

"Elena" I whisper.

"Oh Kayla wat is it?"

"Its my first day i was hoping you could come along with me"
"Oh sure let me get dressed" She walks out with tackies and braydens jumper on.

"Lets go" she says yawning. "What time is it?"

"Its 9:00am"

"oh" she says turning the engine on."So what do you do with this new job?"

"We produce music obviously so we can make music videos and produce songs to itunes"

"Wow Kayla what if you meet someone famous"

"I highly doubt it but selena gomez AND justin bieber have worked with us before so you never know" I get out of the car and head inside the building.

"LOve you" she calls after me.

"love you too" I walk inside and see posters of almost every pop singer. JB, Selena, Beyonce, Katy perry, Taylor swift, sia,  Rihanna and a bunch more.  

"Kayla?" A lady with blonde her asks.

"Oh yes that's me" i smile. 

"You're just going to be in the studio with the singers that decide to produce a song. Follow me" I walk down a a long hallway. I walk into a studio and meet a tall skinny man.

"Hey i'm Tom and this is tyler" A boy with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Well you're a lucky chick because we have a booking to introduce Sia to our company" Tom says.

"Thats amazing" i smile. I walk down the hall and start to do some filing about the interview with sia and walk down the hall again to set up the interview room. Not realising i'm singing Sia's song chandelier. 

"Wow you can sing?" I turn to see tyler.

"Oh um yeah"

"We should record once" Let the fun begin.

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