Chapter 10

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As I get on my afternoon bus I see Ben again, and I manage to get a seat near him. He's again talking about girls but for his friends not him.Why is it every time i pass him or walk pass his friends they look at me for a split second and go back to their conversations? It's like they know something's wrong with me but don't do anything about it. I put my earphones in but little do they know I don't have any music playing. I listen carefully and look out the window trying to not make it obvious i'm eavesdropping. As I listen to their conversation it's all about girls I don't know until I hear them say "that one there" and someone says "yeah". Where they talking about me? And if they were why would they talk about me? Ben and i haven't spoken since 4 years ago so why would he want to start speaking again after 4 years? Why am i feeling this? and why do i care so much? I watch the boys carefully until Ben turns around and stares at me, realising i was already looking at me. Him with his snapback hat and black messy hair. I quickly turn my head and go on instagram. I listen a bit more but they're talking about their maniac history teacher so I play my music. I play my music and i still catch them look at me. I want to tell them if they want to take a picture they should because it lasts longer but i hold it in. Before I know it Bens getting off the bus. I get a tap on the shoulder making me jump.

"Cya Buttercup" he whispers.


 I watch him get off the bus and start to walk away. I start to think what would happen if he found out I liked him. I would die. I mean it would free me from this lingering pain and then people teasing me for it, that'd be worse. I definitely know that my friends would tease me because i've never really had a real crush but Ben is different to me. He doesn't care about others and loves you for you.  As I'm deeply in my thoughts the bus comes to a halt and we all jolt forward.I feel my head hit sharp cold metal bar. I look around to see people scattered on each other and blood on a window. As I realise what's happened I feel blood dripping from my head. I have hit my head on a loose piece of metal of the window. Blood pouring out of my flesh, my white shirt looks like it was originally red. "Fuck" I whisper. I feel the blood dripping and I manage to bring my trembling hand to the cut. As I try and touch it my hand is pulled back. "Don't do that". It's a senior from Canoway Public High. "T-thanks" my hands still trembling and all I hear is

"FIRST AID KIT" and everything's black.

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