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Knock Knock Knock.
I quickly shot open my eyes and realized that I wasn't in my normal surroundings. I looked around at the pasty white walls, and quickly realized I never left Arkham, I must have fallen asleep last night while thinking.
"Um come in!" I said trying to sound chipper, while flattening out my 'laying on a desk all night' hair.
The door reluctantly creaked open and one of the fellow doctors that worked here, stepped out from behind it.
"Uh The boss told me to tell you to go home and come back at 4:00, he said you slept here all night, and that you need to get yourself cleaned up.
all he cares about is if his staff members look sharp, he doesn't even care for our well being.
I thought to myself
"Uh yeah, I uh- guess I'll see ya at 4:00 then." I said trying to dismiss the young doctor from my presence.
I quickly packed up my things and walked down the white corridor hearing the low clicking sound of my black high heels as I walked along, I walked around the corner and quickly shuffled to the outside air.
As the cold air whipped my once curled hair around I quickly hopped into my car and turned on the key, anticipating the warm heat.
As I drove I couldn't help but wonder if it was just a coincidence that his name is Jack, or if it could actually be my Jack. I quickly shook the thought out of my mind because deep down I knew that it couldn't be him, and even if it was, the Jack that I once knew is long gone.
------------------At her apartment-----------------
It's about 2:35pm, and I have to be back to Arkham by 4:00pm because of my session with, The Joker. I begrudgingly slip off my couch to get a drink from the kitchen, but ask I'm walking I find myself infront of a full body length mirror.
"You're absolutely ugly. You're hair is a dull and greasy. You should just kill yourself to make other people happy."
The voices in my head screamed at me. I have struggled with depression ever since my last year of highschool, where I was bullied extremely bad, but the worst part was, I was followed home from school once on an October night and was pushed down into a dark alley, only to be raped and abused. I was left there bare, laying on the cold ground of Gotham city. Eventually I went back to school and had an interest in psychology, so i got my shit together and graduated with a 4.0 and then later graduated with honors, 2 years earlier than usual psychology college students.
Being awoken from my thoughts, I heard a clank from my kitchen window. My skin crawled with a tint of fear, as I creeped over to the window.
I slowly looked out the window only to find a brown spotted cat.
"You're lucky that I don't skin you." I said as if the cat could actually understand my words.
I quickly walked into my bathroom and turned on the shower. Feeling the warm sensation of water trickle down my back made me happy.
"You should be in jail for what you've done.."
the voices whispered to me.
"STOP." I screamed, whilst sliding down that shower wall.
I walked slowly down the chilly streets of Gotham while rubbing my hands together desperately trying to create friction for heat.
I was listening to the sound of sidewalk scruff under my brown riding boots. My ears quickly tuned into a group of men laughing outside of a liquor store. I heard one specific cackled that made my blood run cold with fear and anger.
It was him, it was the man that stripper me down and took my innocence whilst laughing and hitting me. All of my fear slipped away and was replaced with all anger. Forget anger, I was pissed. I quickly gathered all of my strength and bravery and walked right up to him
"Hi there big boy, why don't you come with me." I said whilst blinking and secretly holding back vomit.
All of the men around me wild whistled and looked me up and down like I was some kind of treat. The man looked me up and down and put on a sickening smirk. I took him by the hand and swayed my hips in a seductive way to keep him interested. He was far too wasted to even remember me, and what he did.
I turned a corner and went into an alley way with him following behind me.
I pushed him up against the cold brick wall on the right side of the alley way.
"Ah you're a feisty one, I like feisty." He said with his ugly annoying voice.
I quickly crashed my lips against his, while he was already kissing back.
I sneakily snuck my hand behind my back and took out my kitchen's butcher knife.
I parted my lips away from him and slowly said "You're going to regret ever raping me or any other woman you have ever touched." he looked at me in a very angered and confused way, but before he could speak, I plunged the knife through this skull and watched him fall to the ground. It felt so satisfying to watch him lay there while the blood poured out of his head. I bent down and stabbed him in the stomach repeatedly. over and over and over, until I was soaked in his blood. I stood up with shaky knees quickly realizing what I had done. I stuck the knife back into the back of my pants and ran as fast as my feet would carry me back to my apartment. I had murdered a man, with my own bare hands.
-End of memory-
I was so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't realized I had already gotten myself ready while remembering what I had done. I quickly flushed the memory away, and walked out of my dusty apartment.
-Back at Arkham-
It was now 4:38, and I'm walking down the white and gray hallways searching for the clear glass cell.
I approached the cell and quickly heard mild cackles coming from The Joker's direction.
I nodded to one of the guards while taking out my key card and scanning it, making the glass door slide open.
I slowly paced over to the cold metallic chair that is sat across the table from Joker.
"Well if it isn't little miss no name" the joker cackled at himself
I just ignored what he said and greeted him
"Hello Joker, how are we today?"
"Oh we are absolutely ravishing."
He replied in a low husky tone.
It gave me a shiver but I quickly brushed it off.
"So Doc I want to know your actual name." He explained with a sly grin
"I don't know, maybe I should just tell you a different time and day." I explained, not really wanting to expose my name to this criminal, but who was I to speak, I was a secret murderer. 'STOP IT.' I told my mind
"Oh c'mon doc, it isn't fair that you know my true name but I don't know yours.." I took in his words and thought about telling him
"Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty , pretty, pleaseeee?" the joker flashed his silvery smile at me
"Okay okay! My name is Taylor!" I finally told him while chuckling
Something in his blueish, gray eyes changed for just a moment before flashing back to his normal spaced look.
"What a wonderful name." Jack complimented me
"Thanks." I replied with a small smile, but deep down knew, that I had just found out, this isn't my Jack.
It's okay though, I kinda like being around this one.

Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that if you're wondering what Taylor looks like, she is Nina Dobrev! You can imagine her however you want but in my eyes she looks like Nina Dobrev :) I hope you're enjoying this book so far, and if you want me to continue please leave a comment or vote! love you guys
-Tay :) 💖💖💖

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