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"Ow, Damn it" I mutter under my breath, at the feeling of a needle piercing my pale skin.
Me and J were talking about his tattoos earlier, and we both decided I need one, so here we are now.
I couldn't decided on a tattoo that I want so I just simply let J choose, which is probably a terrible, awful, idea.
The place he chose to put the mystery tattoo, starts at the top of my neck and goes down my spine.
I finally feel the needle stop grazing my skin, and look up at J.
"Alright doll, i'm all finished." Joker said as he layed the matte black tattoo gun back onto his desk.
I nodded and stood up, turning my head to look into the body length mirror.
"Oh my god, i love it." I said to J who was looking at me with questioning eyes.
The tattoo was simple. It spelled "Joker".
The J was a little below my neck and then the o was down more, and the rest of the name just went down my back a bit more.
I absolutely love it.
"I'm glad ya like it doll." J said making me look down and smile.
He got to to leave an I followed behind him, out of boredom.
He looked over his shoulder, and stopped, almost making me thud into his back.
"Why are ya following me Taylor?" he asked with a smirk
I looked up at him, and mirrored his famous smirk.
"Maybe I missed you." I said with all seriousness, but still kept my smirk.

I went to turn on my heel and walk away but was quickly stopped by a cold, and large hand

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I went to turn on my heel and walk away but was quickly stopped by a cold, and large hand.
I turned back around and looked up into J's electrifyingly blue eyes, and stared.
Is this considered StockHolme Syndrome?
The voices prodded my mind.
It can't be StockHolme Syndrome, he said your free to go, he's not your kidnapper.
I looked back down at the ground before I felt a single finger lift my chin back up to meet J's handsome face.
He slowly went to move closer to my face, and I felt my heart go from a steady calm symphony, to a heavy metal rock concert with high voltage drums.
He got so close to me, and then stopped.
damn it.
My thoughts ran wild with the want of J's lips.

He turned around with a face that showed pure annoyance, and he walked away, once again leaving me there alone, in a bundle of nerves

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He turned around with a face that showed pure annoyance, and he walked away, once again leaving me there alone, in a bundle of nerves.
I quickly ran up to my room, and sat on the bed, recapping the moment that just played
My thoughts whirled around in my head, feeling like a million people running through my mind.
you're ugly.
he'd never want someone like you.
you're pathetic.
I honestly don't know how much longer I can take these voices.
Maybe if you shock yourself with his cables, the voices will go away.
The voices directed me.
I quickly, and quietly made my way down to my least favorite room in this whole house.
I opened the door, and quietly shut it behind me, and walked over to the metallic grey shockers.
I picked them up, studying everything about them, and then I reached over and flipped the red switch, making the silvery objects buzz with vibration, in my hands.
I felt a few tears fall down my face, knowing of the pain this would cause me.

I grabbed a near by rag, and pushed it in between my teeth, so I wouldn't break them

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I grabbed a near by rag, and pushed it in between my teeth, so I wouldn't break them.
I felt a shiver of fear go up and down my spine as I picked the shockers up again, before pressing the two cables to each side of my head.
An unbearable pain surged through every last cell in my body, causing me to tumble onto my knees.
I kept the shockers firmly placed, no matter how much I wanted to let them go.
The pain screamed at me, making my nerves shoot in all different directions.
I started to see colorful, and swirly designs, alongside of stars swirling around infront of my eyes, before I felt myself completely shut down, and fall helplessly to the ground.

Wake up.
You thought you could rid yourself
of us.
You pathetic piece of shit.
Just die already.

My eyes shot open to the sounds of voices, only for me to realize they were the ones in my head.
It didn't work.
I grasped the side of the table infront of me, trying to stand up off of the cold ground.
As I stood the blood came rushing back into the front of my head along with intense screaming.
The voices.
They are so loud, louder than ever before, screaming terrible things into my ears making my brain swell with intensifying pain.
I felt myself screaming, like i've never screamed before, trying so desperately to drown out the loud company in my head.
I felt to my knees once more, begging for it to stop.
I screamed until I felt my throat give out, and my ears were ringing along with the voices.
I felt my body numb, as I screamed out "I don't feel anything"

I watched as the once locked door, came busting open, and in came the man i've fallen in love with

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I watched as the once locked door, came busting open, and in came the man i've fallen in love with.
I've never seen such a look of worry on his face.
He bent down and wrapped his arms around me rocking me back and fourth.
He looked as if he was trying to say something, but I couldn't hear for the voices, and the ringing of my ears.
He reached up and wiped a liquid substance from my ear, only to be identified as blood.
My ears are literally bleeding.
Finally, I could feel the voices subside, and the ringing died down to where I could hear myself breathe again.
"Let them in Taylor, it's the only way. Accept them." J instructed me.
I nodded at him, feeling a few stray tears slip down my cheeks.
I looked up at him and just gave a sly smile.
"It's okay Taylor, I've tried to get rid of them too, just please don't do this again, you could've died." explained the green haired man.
I just smiled again, and hugged him, starting to cry again.
He cradled me and quietly spoke again.
"Taylor?" he said my name in a questioning tone
I looked up at him before trying to speak
"Yes?" I said in a quiet whisper, due to my loss of voice from screaming.
He reached down into his coat pocket and grabbed out a necklace that I never thought i'd see again.
It's the necklace I gave him to remember me when he left.
The necklace that I gave to my bestfriend.
"Taylor, it's me, y-your Jack." J called out to me in a soft voice
I smiled so big and held onto him for dear life.
My Jack.
It's actually him.
And I love him.

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