Am I falling for him?

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"Wake Up!!"
I jolted up out of the comfort of the sheets
and jumped onto my feet
I slicked back my bed head, as all of the memories from yesterday came flooding back into my mind.
"S-sorry, i'm awake!" I said with a shaking morning voice.
I heard some shuffling around before the door swung open harshly.
"Go out into the hallway, Frost is standing there and he will show you to your room. I've placed clothing into the closet of that room, get cleaned up and come back down for breakfast when you're ready." The Joker commanded me
I slightly rolled my eyes at his attitude, and sighed whilst turning on my heel, and walking out of the room, i ever so softly whispered a
"yes mother." While leaving.
As I walk out into the hallway, a man dressed in a nice suit greeted me at the door.
He is quite tall, and has brunette hair with a slight beard.

He is quite tall, and has brunette hair with a slight beard

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"Hello, I'm Johnny Frost, follow me." he said with a small smile
I nodded and proceeded to follow him
down the dimly lit hallway.
I ran my fingers along the walls as I walked, feeling the raised interior of paint grace my fingertips.
All of the sudden, Johnny Frost came to a hault, almost causing me to bump into him.
I watch as he extends his hand to push open the red colored door.
I wonder if this room is going to be as nice as the last one.
"Here we are." Frost's voice says to me, indicating me to go in.
I nod, and quickly shuffle into the big bedroom.
The walls are painted a crisp shade of white, and the bed looks to be queen sized, with sheets of black, and pillows of gold. There are some decorations, colored of black, white, and gold, and a sheer gold canopy surrounding the bed.
This is amazing!
I look at the door, only to notice that Frost has left, and i'm in this beautiful room alone.
I quickly walk over to the closet, and step in.
It's absolutely huge! There's clothes, and shoes everywhere, way more than i've ever had in my years of living.
I run my hands along the felt hangers, looking desperately for an outfit to wear. I cant help but notice that most of these outfits are very, well very revealing. I decided on a 'not so revealing' outfit, which consists of a simply causal black dress, black sheer tights, and low to the ground black pumps. I then search for clean undergarments, only to find that it's all lingerie. oh boy. I quickly find a less skimpy black pair, and lay them, along with the outfit onto the bed.
I walk into the bathroom, which is connected inside of the bedroom, and look into the mirror.
My hair is a mess, along with dried blood all over my small framed body.
I shiver in disgust, as I turn to the shower and turn it on.
I step in and let the water graze my skin.
I slick back my hair, and close my eyes, analyzing my life at the moment.
I wince in pain, at the feeling of the water dripping onto my still new wound.
I look down and sigh remembering what had happened to me.
He helped me.
My mind reminds me of the previous night, where I had been picked up off the ground, and stitched up by the Joker himself.
I really don't mind being here.
I thought to myself.. He's not actually all that bad if you don't give him a reason to be.
What the hell am i saying, i can't like being here, I need to work towards getting out.
Will he ever let me go?
My mind reverts to Mary. I wonder if she's worried about me, or if she's relieved that her pathetic best friend, had gone away.
I quickly shook myself from my thoughts, and bent down to turn off the shower.
I stepped out and wrapped myself in the huge, purple colored towel.
I dried off and looked around for a hair dryer.
I searched and found a hair dryer, along with woman essentials, and makeup.
He stocked up.
I quickly brushed my hair, and dried it, adding a few curls with the curling utensil I had found.
I put on makeup, making myself feel human again, and stepped out of the still steamy bathroom.
The cool air brought chill bumps to my slightly pale skin.
I slipped on the outfit and decided to head down for some food.
As I walk toward the kitchen, where I had previously been stitched up, I think about how unappetizing it was , that I had been bleeding all over the kitchen counter, where food is placed.
I shake that thought away, and am almost arrived to the kitchen, when I feel an itching sensation crawl on my neck.
I try to ignore it, thinking my hair tickled that area, but the feeling is still there,
I reach up to scratch the area and immediately freak out because I feel something fuzzy.
I flick it off and quickly spot what had been on my neck, it was a huge spider.
I let out a blood curdling scream, as this was my worst fear.
"OH MY GOD." I manage spit out in a frantic way whilst backing away from the creature I like to call satan.
My ears perk up to the sound of running, coming towards me.
"What the hell happened?!" Asked a very curious and angry Joker
I look up at him and point, with shaky fingers, at the spider.
He looks toward the direction my finger was pointed, and immediately his face dropped.
"Are you kidding me?" he asks with a very unimpressed voice.
He looks up at Frost before looking down at the spider and bending over.
He scoops the spider into his hand, and turned towards me with a smirk.
oh shit.
I kick out of my shoes, taking off running up the stairs, hearing running footsteps behind me.
"STOP NO PLEASE STOP." I yelled out to the Joker, looking behind me as I did so.
He is laughing, and chasing me all over the place.
Just as I go to turn my head back to focus infront of me, I tried to stop but it was too late.
I ran right into the door infront of me.
I fell back causing me to lose balance, and go falling backwards.
I fell right into the Joker, causing us to both go tumbling down, to the wooden floors.
I had managed to turn myself around and fall straight onto his chest, making us face to face.
wow, he's attractive.
What no stop thinking that way.
"I dropped the spider a long time ago, I just thought it was funny how scared you were." The man underneath me explained whilst laughing
I gave him a face that acted like I was hurt from his words.
I just got lost in how beautiful his ocean eyes were. They take me captive in some sort of way.
I shook myself from my odd thoughts.
"I erm, we should, i'm gonna go downstairs." I explained whilst getting off of him.
His eyes unsoftned, and he quickly nodded his head.
Am I falling for him?

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