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I stretched out of bed, feeling my bones pop all over my body.
I woke up, not in my bed but in Jack's bed, which automatically made a smile grace my face.

My smile quickly disappeared as I felt my stomach twist into an unhappy knot.
I jumped, and ran towards the bathroom, quickly bending down to empty my stomach's content into the pearl white toilet.

I started to stand up when I felt that nauseating feeling once again, and bent down towards the toilet to puke once again.
I felt a large hand reach down and pull back my hair whilst the other hand rubbed my back.

"Doll, are you alright?" I heard the voice that i've fallen in love with ask me
I coughed before clearing my throat
"Yeah, im fine." I responded feeling my stomach churn weirdly again.

I went to stand up and felt two hands support me on the way up.
I felt J's arms wrap themselves around me as he kissed my head.

"I love you J." I said not expecting an answer back from him, I just simply wanted to say it.
Jack's grip tightened on me, before he sighed.

"I guess if you wanted to really consider the facts you could say I uh- I love you too, d-doll."
As soon as the words left his lips my knees got weak.

I looked up at him and smiled, whilst getting on my tip toes to kiss his cheek.
"Come on pumpkin, you need more rest." Joker said guiding me back towards the bedroom.

I got comfortable under the sheets, and sprawled out in a wild manor.
Joker slipped into the bed behind me, so that I'm laying in between his legs against his chest.
"So what did you do with Harley?" I asked trying not to make him upset.

He tensed underneath me, and I felt my nerves tingle. "Harley won't be of any concern anymore." J responded whilst starting to chuckle
I felt myself dozing off to the vibrations of his laughing.
I'm so happy with him.


"Pumpkin, wake up." I heard a growly voice tell me.
I groaned loudly before stretching, and opening my eyes the slightest bit.
Only to find that J was now standing beside the bed, and not behind me like I fell asleep.

I rolled back the sheets and jumped to my feet, feeling my head spin. I started to get that sick feeling once again before I felt my knees give out, and start to buckle underneath me.

I started to fall, but a pair of pale, strong arms caught me before I could hit the ground.
"Doll, are you ok? Talk to me." I heard J say.
I tried to make my words not sound jumbled, but all I could say was "Ijendnfjwaget."
J kept talking but I couldn't comprehend what he was saying, and I got one good look into his electric blue eyes before falling unconscious.


Beep, Beep, Beep.
The high pitched sound woke me from my dead slumber.
I opened my eyes, and looked around to see a small hospital room.
The walls are gray, and a curtain surrounds my bed, i'm guessing to separate me from a roommate.

I layed there waiting for someone to come in and explain what the hell is going on.
where's J?
I thought to myself.
I heard a couple of gentle knocks on the wooden door, before it slowly creaked open, revealing a woman doctor dressed in white.

"Hello Taylor, how are you feeling this morning?" the doctor asked in a gentle tone.
This morning?
"I guess i'm feeling alright, but could you explain what's happening, or what happened?" I asked as politely as possible.
She turned to me with a grin before speaking,
"Nothing to worry about sweetie, you were just severely dehydrated, but that's normal under your circumstances." the short woman explained slowly

My circumstances?
"What do you mean 'my circumstances?'" I asked curiously looking up at the blacked haired woman
Her grin widened even more before she spoke once again,
"You're pregnant!" she exclaimed excitedly

I felt my blood run cold before repeating those words to myself in my mind.

I'm pregnant.

I'm pregnant

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