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^pictured above is Taylor & Mary.^

                          •Taylor Parks•

"Tay, Tay, Tay,Tay,Tay." I heard a voice saying
I then felt two hands go to my stomach and they started to tickle me. I jumped straight out of bed to see my bestfriend Mary standing there
"Hey Mare" I said calling her by her nickname
"Okay Taylor listen today is your day off, and we are going to a club tonight, no questions asked we are going." Mary explained with wide eyes and a serious face
See Mary has changed a lot since we were kids, she got a lot more outgoing as the years went by, explaining why she's dragging me to a club tonight. Mary also has a fiancé, which is way past beating me because I've only had one boyfriend and he's a stupid ex now.
I don't even bother arguing with Mary because I know she's going to win, so I just agree to clubbing with her.
"Okay Mare, I'll go, but I'm not dancing with any, I mean ANY, guys tonight.
"Yeah okay Tay whatever." she brushed off my comments
"Taylor you do realize it's 5:30pm right?" Mary asked in a questioning tone of voice
what the hell? 5:30pm? I must've been absolutely exhausted, because I've never slept this late in my life.
"Well I guess I better start getting ready then." I signed to Mary
"Oh my God yes! I brought my stuff so we can get ready together." Mary exclaimed with a smile
Mary quickly went into the living room to get her stuff.
I happened to glass around the room, and there is a single purple rose sitting on my dresser.
What? I don't remember receiving a rose..
I quickly walk over to the rose and pick it up, but as soon as I pick it up I yelp in pain because of the thorns on the stem. As little sprouts of blood form from the tiny Stab wounds, I look at the blood and think of the night I killed that man. That will haunt me everyday for the rest of my life.
"Okay so I brought some new makeup to try, an-" I swiftly cut Mary off
"Did your bring this rose?" I said as I pointed to the purple rose
"Uh no" Mary says with a light chuckle
"But anyways, I'm gonna do your makeup!!"
I sighed agreeing because I knew Mary was good at makeup so why the heck not.
  | 10:00 pm |
"Woahhhh Tay you look Hot!!!" Mary exclaimed looking at me
"Thanks Mare, so do you." I replied with a little giggle
       | at the club |

As me and Mary walked into the club I immediately took in my surroundings.
The walls were a striking gold color, and there were girls dancing on poles in two different areas, there were also flashing lights of purple and green all over the dance floor. I noticed a few VIP areas that looked like men who didn't want to be messed with.
I sighed and looked over to see Mary already in the midst of the crowed with a drink dancing.
I sauntered my way over to the bar and asked for a coke mixed with vodka.
"Here you go beautiful." the bartender handed me my drink while winking
"Uh yeah thanks." I replied with a small smile
I sipped on my drink for quite a while, whilst dodging men trying to get into my pants.
"Alright everybody make way for the king." a loud voice was heard over the music
I snapped my head over to see where all the commotion was coming from.
No No this is not happening I'm hallucinating. He can't b-be here. H-he's in Arkham.
I have to find Mary and we have to get out of here.
I quickly got up and ran to find Mary, only to be stopped by a big hand laid upon my shoulder
"No No No, Not so fast!" a painfully familiar voice said
I slowly turned around to see the one person I never ever expected to see at this nightclub tonight.
"H-how are you here?" I asked automatically being pissed for stuttering
"That's a story for another night Ms.Parks." replied the green haired psycho
just as I was about to say something else I felt a rag over my mouth and everything went a really dark shade of black.

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