Don't pretend to care..

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4 months.
It's been 4 agonizing months since I lost my baby.
She was going to be named 'Estella Rose'.
My heart yearns everyday to be able to hold her in my arms, and look at her precious face.
The night I lost her, Bruce rushed me to the hospital, I was losing so much blood I was in and out of consciousness the whole ride.
When we arrived at the hospital I found out that i'd have to go through with the birth even thought my Estella was already passed.
It was the hardest thing i've ever had to endure in my whole entire life.

"Hey sweetheart, don't you want to step outside for a while? You haven't really been out of the house in a while.." I heard Bruce's voice softly call out to me, whilst he rubbed my shoulder.
I just looked up at him with a sad smile before speaking,
"I think i'm okay Bruce, I'll just sit here and read my book." I responded to him weakly.
I've been reading the same book of 'feel good' quotes that just lie about life getting better.

"Taylor, come on baby let's at least take a drive, and we can go get you a new dress because tonight is the gala, and you promised you'd come, I wanna show you off." Bruce said winking at me, whilst kissing me behind the ear.
I smiled, and let a small chuckle, before turning around and hugging him tightly,
"Alright let's go." I said quietly, nuzzling into his jacket.


                   -Almost time for the Gala-

I finished applying my makeup, and slipped into my slick black heels.
I spritzed my body with a enduring smell, and started my way down the marble stairs.
"Wow, you look breathtaking, Taylor." Bruce said, meeting me at the bottom of the stairs.
"Thanks, you're not to bad yourself." I said, complementing his tux, with a wink.

People of all different kinds, started filling the room.
I walked around with Bruce and helped greet many of these strangers.
"i'm going to go get a drink, and walk around." I whispered into Bruce's ear as he just kissed my head and sent me on my way.

"One champagne please." I said to the man behind the bar.
I watched as the bubbly substance waterfalled itself into the tall glass cup.
"Here you are." said the sharp dressed man, whilst handing me my drink.
I nodded at him with a smile before walking around, casually talking to random people.

"Everybody make way for Mistah J." I heard a gruff voice scream above the classical music, and elegant background noise.
The hairs on the back of my neck stood tall, as goosebumps arose onto my skin, making my shiver.

I heard a shrill laugh that made the whole entire room stay quiet. I knew that laugh, for it belonged to J.
I turned around and met eyes with Johnny Frost, both of our eyes wide as saucers.

"Tonight we are going to have fun. You all are going to create chaos before Batsy Batsy arrives! I'm going to get away with taking what is rightfully mine, and then i'm going to leave, see nobody gets hurt as long as chaos is created!" J's voice rang out through the air causing many people to shutter in fear.

What's he going to take?
Why is he here?
Oh god.

My thoughts ran wild like a field of wild mares, stomping in the mountains.
Everyone stayed stuck still, with no noise, making J mad because he wants complete and utter chaos.

"Fine, if you guys won't create chaos, i'll create it myself." Joker said with a giant laugh at the end.
He nodded at Johnny, and Johnny started shooting into random places of the room, making people run and scream with honest fear.

I felt my feet start running for the stairs, my heels clicking against the slick marble flooring.
"Tsk Tsk you little minx, i've missed you." I heard the familiar hair raising voice that I loved call out towards me. I stopped running out of awareness, not knowing what corners he could be hiding in.

I felt a hand slide itself onto my bare shoulder, and the other hand on my waist.
I was quickly spun around to meet the face of my once love, Joker.
"And you're still just as pretty as when you left."
My ears perked up at his words, making my blood boil with pure anger.
"Left? I didn't leave! You kicked me out all by myself to find somewhere to live, when you had all my belongings, and all of my money. I had nowhere to go J! I was so scared anyways, being pregnant, but then alone in Gotham City! I can not even believe you had the indecency of saying I left." I yelled out at him, letting my feelings drop of my tongue like venom.

J looked at me through eyes that I swore weren't even his. They showed compassion, and heartbreak, and it actually kind of scared me.
"W-Where's the baby?" J asked completely unaware of what happened.
I looked down and tried not to let tears surface into my eyes.
"S-She's not available right now." I said not wanting to rip open the freshly closed wound.
J's face filled with a confused look before he spoke again
"Taylor, where is my baby?" his words stabbed me with another twinge of anger,

"Your baby? You didn't want this baby! You weren't here to be with me durning my pregnancy, you weren't here when I found out that I was going to be having a little girl, and you weren't here when I had to deliver my dead babygirl-" I stopped ranting after the words slipped out of my mouth, letting J know everything he needed to.

He looked down at me with the saddest eyes I think i've ever seen. His usual electric blue eyes, were a gray color now.
He looked down at me and just shook his head, in pure disbelief.

"Taylor, I am lost for words, I am so sorry I wasn't there, I, I don't even know how to explain how sorry I am. I-I can't believe she's, gone." His words sliced through my heart strings like a steaming hot butter knife.
I looked up at him, tears streaming down my pale skin, before speaking,

"Don't pretend to care." I said barely above a whisper, looking back down towards the floor.

" I said barely above a whisper, looking back down towards the floor

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"Taylor, I do care, I-I do. I've missed you more than I can even explain, and I was scared. Ok? I was scared because I didn't know what it felt like to love someone, and I didn't know what to do when I found out you were pregnant because I didn't think I'd be able to be a father. Taylor please believe me, I love you." Joker said to me, a single tear rolling down his face.

I just nodded and engulfed him in a bone crushing hug as we fell to the ground.
J kissed the top of my dark hair, and just held onto me for dear life.

I looked up at him, with a small smile, and giggled before speaking,

"I love you too, and I never stopped."

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