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Hey guys! Before I publish this I just want to say thank you to all of the wonderful people who have read this, commented, and voted. It's been so much fun to write this story and to just create my own little fantasy! (:
I guess every book has to come to an end sometime, so this is this books POSSIBLE, end.
I'm not completely sure if i'm going to end it here, there could be a sequel, but I think this is where it ends for now... Thanks again,
-Taylor. 💜💚
            Time Skip... six years later.

"Is it all ready?" Jack asked whilst kissing my neck gently from behind me.
I giggled before speaking,
"Yep pretty much, go get the gift."
I watched as Jack walked out the back door.
I finally talked tough guy into getting us a couple of puppies. I carried a small birthday cake to the kitchen's island. It was decorated with Nemo, Dory, and Marlin, which was going to make a certain someone very happy.
I went back over to the counter and picked up the other small sized birthday cake, and layed it gently beside the other one, except this one was decorated with all Frozen characters.

I heard the door open and watched as Jack placed a big box, wrapped in one side pink, and one side blue wrapping paper, and a big fat purple bow on the top onto the ground.
"Did you poke holes in the top so the pups can breathe?!" I asked frantically searching for a knife.
"Shit." Jack mumbled as he took the butcher knife from my hands.
I watched as he carefully gouged circular holes all over the top of the box.
"There good as new!" He exclaimed with jazz hands.
I love this green haired man.
I chuckled before yelling towards the upstairs,

"Asher, Estella come here please!" I yelled from the kitchen.
I heard the patter of little feet running towards our direction.
"Okay, is everyone ready?" I whispered yelled behind me,
I watched as everyone smiled and nodded.
Soon enough, I saw two small framed bodies run into the room.

"Surprise!!" everyone in the room yelled and pulled the strings on their party poppers, including: Jack, Myself, and all of Jack's goons.
I watched as Asher and Estella's little faces lit up like a Christmas tree.
They both started jumping up and down as if on a personal trampoline.
"Okay let's blow out your candles, and sing Happy Birthday, how about that?" I heard Jack's voice say out to our 5 year old twins.
It made me laugh at how Jack is just excited as the kids are.
I watched as Johnny lit the five candles on each little cake.
I walked over to Asher, and lifted him into my arms, and watched as Jack mirrored me, doing the same thing with Estella.

"On the count of three, One.. Two.. Three."
I said aloud indicating that it's time for the birthday song.
"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear the twins, Happy Birthday to youuuuuu!" We all finished singing, and watched as the twins struggled to blow out their five candles.
Finally they managed to blow them all out, and I started slicing the cakes.
I took the Elsa action figure off of the cake and handed it to Estella, knowing she was itching to play with it.

I watched as she toddled off towards her daddy, who is sitting at the table discussing something with his main goons.
I listened into their little conversation.
"Daddy, can you please sing Let it go, like you always do?" I heard Stella's tiny voice call up towards her daddy, as she batted her long eyelashes.
I watched as Jack looked around at his goons and chuckled nervously not wanting them to know of his singing of Disney songs.

"Maybe later Stell, how bout' you go play with Asher?" He suggested to the little girl in his lap, who just wasn't having it.
She gave him the saddest eyes, that would put an 'ASPCA' commercial to shame.
He still looked as if he was going to say no, until Stella brought out the big guns.
She poked out her bottom lip, and quivered it, whilst still batting her dark eyelashes.

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