Please let me go.

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"She's actually really hot."
I heard a low voice croak out
"man you ain't kidding i mean look at her chest!" exclaimed another voice
I don't think they know I'm awake yet so how about a surprise
"Hey don't freak out, but I'm awake and if you unblind fold me, come close, and loosen my restraints, I'll let both of ya take a feel at my chest." I explained with a fake accent and sigh
I heard a gasp and some rustling around right before my eyes were exposed to the back of a dark barely lit up van.
"Alright deal but you's gotta make sure not to tell big boss man." said the man with the deepest
"You got it sweets." I said with a disgusting wink and fake accent
"Why don't you two make your way over here and let's get comfortable, huh?" I said with my very thick fake voice
I got myself ready for what was about it happen. I've been training with a personal trainer ever since highschool to learn to fight , because if you're a young woman that lives alone in Gotham City, you gotta know how to handle yourself. and me, I'm a bad bitch if I do say so myself.
They quickly but quietly made their way over to me, expecting to grope my lady friends, but I  had other plans.
Since they loosened my zip ties, I could easily escape, I learned a trick on how to get out of a loosened zip tie a while back in training.
I swiftly slipped my hands out of the zip ties and clanked their big heads together really really hard to make sure it kept them busy
and in a quick movement I heaved my way up the wall and opened the back door of the van.
I knew this was gonna hurt so ridiculously bad, but I had to do it. With my feet still zip tied together I jumped out of the fast moving black van, backside first and landed on my back resulting in me rolling so hard down the side of the road at a very fast pace.
I finally reached the bottom and realized I actually wasn't dead, so I just laid there in excruciating pain.
I slowly sat up, only to feel searing pain in my back side and head, but I had to push through it. I bent over, and undid the zip ties from around my ankles.
I used a tree to slowly pull myself up out of the fallen leaves and quickly glanced around to my surroundings.
I must be on the outskirts of Gotham because that's the only place for trees and forest to be.
I slowly started walking through the woods only to be stopped by a blood curdling sound.
'click'  I heard and felt a cold metal object pushed into the back of my head.
I quickly turned around, only to reveal, a very very pissed off Joker.
"You are feisty, you got lots of fight in you, I like that a lot." stated the joker
I couldn't clear my head of this being the last time I see Gotham. I deep down felt as if he was going to shoot me right here and right now.
"Now doll, you've been a very, very naughty girl tonight, so you're going to be punished as soon as we get to my home." The joker stated very seriously
"P-please let m-me go." I asked with a fearingful tone.
The joker maniacally threw back his head and cackled a laugh that sent shivers running throughout my body.
"You won't be going anywhere, anytime soon doll face." he explained in a very low raspy tone of voice, while grasping my jaw.
He snapped and all the sudden I was grabbed up by two large men that were obviously his goons.
"LET ME GO RIGHT NOW." I proclaimed and yelled whilst kicking and punching so carelessly. I just needed to get away from this.
"Now now Taylor, I didn't want it to be this way, but you've left me no choice, you're going night night." he laughed while smiling that silvery sick smile
He raised the back of gold colt revolver and clocked me right on the head with it.
I felt a searing amount of pain go through my head as I helplessly tried to keep my eyes open, but soon I saw the familiar shade of black all over again.
I quickly shot up out of my laying position, and looked around me.
I don't recognize where I'm at one bit.
I soon felt a stinging pain come from the back of my head, and then I remembered, I've been captured. This really sucks, I was planning on going to StarBucks tomorrow.
I looked around and all I saw were dark green walls filled with purple graffiti and small illustrations of weapons. I looked and the only object in the room was a lamp that kept flickering on and off. To say I was creeped out was an understatement. I found myself untied but laying on a cold metal table.
I quickly decided to jump off but just as I did, the door to the room I was captured in crept open, and the clown prince of crime himself, stepped out from behind it.
"Ah I see you're awake! Time for so fun!!" he growled out at me
"Let me go. You need to be at Arkham. LET ME GO." I screamed out of anger and fear
"Oh doll, you always know how to brighten my evening! I love it when you get feisty." he replied while letting out low chuckles
he then strapped my body, legs, arms, and feet
to this slick table, and swiftly pulled down a light that blinded me instantly
"O-okay J-joker I'm sorry for escaping, I should've known better p-please." I managed to croak out
"Oh Taylor, tsk tsk, you should know better than to beg me, it will only make things worse." he replied, going from a smile straight to a serious frightening look.
He slapped a belt infront of my face, doubled it up and put it sideways into my mouth.
I couldn't talk or even make many noises for that matter now.
He reached to the side of the table and showed me two silver metallic looking contraptions, I wasn't quite sure what they were, but I knew it was gonna hurt.
He then pressed a button, rolled up the bottom of my shirt and stuck the silver objects onto my each side of my stomach.
A pain like I had never felt before went ripping through my whole body. It was so painful I couldn't even think of screaming.
It shocked, and burned, and even stung so bad, that i thought this was the end I was just going to die on the spot.
Tears that were already threatening to come out of my eyes, came pouring out like a waterfall of pain.
I shot open my eyes immediately meeting his grayish blue striking eyes.
I thought maybe if this was the last thing I was it would give me peace before slipping away into an oblivion know as death.
His eyes burned into me as he tortured my body with these contraptions.
He was about to press them against my skin again, but instead he threw the objects against the wall and muttered "damn it" under his raspy breath.
I am just laying here crying my eyes out, which I never do, but I am scared for my life.
All of the sudden I feel myself being lifted up off of the table and carried to another location, I looked up not to find the joker but to find one of his many henchman. I was then literally thrown onto a small bed In a dark purple room.
The pain from my sides was almost too much to handle, but I'll pull through.
Being harshly awoken from my stir of thoughts, the door to the room I'm in now slowly creaked open revealing a shirtless , and tired looking Joker.
"I um, I'll be in to wake you in the morning, uh so just try to rest up." He said in an awkwardly raspy voice
I just looked away from him with total and complete sadness and gave him a quick nod whilst looking at the ground.
I then felt a hard stinging sensation spread all over the right side of my face. He slapped me. Hit. H-he hit me. Hard.
I felt myself tumble to the ground landing right on my side where he shocked me.
I screamed out in horror and pain quickly gathered strength whilst scooting towards the wall.
He was just standing there staring down at his filled with rings. One of the rings had definitely cut my cheek open for blood was running down the side of my face.
The door slammed and then there was no joker.
I stayed in the corner on the floor the whole night and just cried until I finally fell asleep. This really sucks.

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