Bruce Wayne.

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I continued to walk my way through the mildly busy streets of Gotham.
I shivered, hugging myself realizing I don't have a jacket, or anything for that matter, it's all at J's house.

I started to panic, remembering that all of my belongings are with The Joker, and I cannot go back to claim them. I have no place to sleep, no money for vitamins or food, and i'm now eating for two.

I felt my feet start running, not knowing where they will lead me, I just kept sprinting, carelessly through the crowd of people, earning me many dirty looks and profanity.
I kept up my pace until I smacked right into a completely hard surface, causing me and that surface to fall to the ground.

"Oh god, are you okay?" I heard a deep, calming voice ask me.
I looked up and met the eyes, of a very attractive man, well known as Bruce Wayne, one of the richest men on the planet.
"Yeah uh, I am s-so sorry for bumping into you." I said quickly whilst brushing off my knees.

Bruce got up from the gravily concrete, and offered me a hand.
I gladly accepted, and muttered a quiet "Thank you."
"Why were you in such a hurry?" Bruce asked with a small chuckle, that made my heart flutter

"I don't really know honestly, I well, I don't have a place to stay, so I think I was trying to find a homeless shelter." I explained, hoping he'd show me that way.

Bruce looked down, as if he was in deep thought, before looking back up to meet my eyes.
"Well if you need a place to stay, I have a spare bedroom, and it wouldn't be a problem at all." He explains thoughtfully.

I smiled from ear to ear before speaking once again,
"Well if it wouldn't be a bother, then i'll gladly accept!" I said with a light chuckle, knowing that I really had no choice

"Well alright Miss.., what's your name?" Bruce asked whilst trailing his eyes back towards mine,
"My name is Taylor, Taylor Parks." I said shaking his hand formally.

"Well Miss Taylor, shall we head to my home?" Asked Bruce, opening a lemo door for me,
"We shall" I said happily smiling at the inside of the lemo, whilst sliding in.

Even though I miss J, terribly, this could be a wonderful thing, possibly a new start.

                           Time Skip

"Hello, Ms.Parks, Master Wayne has requested you for breakfast, he said to take your time." Alfred spoke out to me, waking me from my deep slumber.
I mumbled an incoherent "Thanks Alfred" and waved the sweet man off.

I stretched out of the grey colored sheets, fabricated in silk, and stumbled my way into the washroom.
I quickly brushed my teeth, and washed my face, before applying my daily makeup.
Since I washed my hair last night, all I had to do was throw it into a high, but sleek pony tail.

I slipped on a causal black dress with quarter length sleeves, and paired it with some sheer see-through black tights, and tall grayish colored boots.
I looked at myself in the body length mirror, and smiled at my reflection.

There was a small baby bump starting to appear onto my stomach, and even though this pregnancy has come with some unfortunate events, i'm, well Bruce and I are staying positive.

I've been living here for about, four almost five months now. When I first moved in, I explained most everything, minus the baby belonging to The Joker, and Bruce seemed to take compassion over me.

Over the months we have grown closer, and we are now a couple.
Bruce wants to be the baby's father figure, and i'm quite alright with that. I've found myself falling head over heels for this man, and I know he will be a wonderful dad.

I still think about J, and how heartbroken I still am over the way he reacted towards the pregnancy. There was always this stinging hope, in the back of my mind that maybe he'd come looking for me. I know I am going to love Jack forever, but this is me moving on.

I shook all of my thoughts away, quickly making my way down the steps, and into the dining room, where Bruce sat waiting patiently.
"Goodmorning beautiful." chirped Bruce happily, eyeing me from head to toe.
I smiled from ear to ear, accompanied by a giggle before speaking, "Goodmorning, you're in an awfully chipper mood." I said with a sly grin.

Bruce just gave me his sweet smile before asking Alfred to serve our breakfast.
Bruce got up from his chair and engulfed me in a comforting hug, whilst pressing a gentle kiss to my forhead, and lightly rubbing my baby bump.
I looked up at him and pecked his lips, and he graciously returned the favor.

Bruce pulled out my chair for me, and gestured for me to sit down, so I gladly did.
He went and sat back down, and only a moment later, Alfred came out with, Pancakes, bacon, and eggs. My stomach smiled at the thought of these items.

"So I am thinking that you and I should host a gala." Bruce said, throwing an idea at me, whilst I chewed on some pancake.
I swallowed while thinking about his suggestion,
"I think that would be fun! You haven't really hosted anything like that in a while." I responded sweetly whilst nodding.

We continued chatting throughout breakfast, and eventually Bruce had to part off to his office for work.

I saunter off upstairs into my room, thinking about taking a nice warm bath, and start reading a book, maybe a romance novel.
I slip off my black dress and lean down to twist the knob label "H" on the bathtub.

I heard the water start pouring into the bathtub, like a waterfall in Niagara Falls.
I turned to myself in the mirror one more time, looking at my black lace undergarments, accenting my small bump.

I smile to myself before bending down to get a towel from the cabinet.
As I bent down I feel a ripping pain shoot through my stomach.
It felt as if someone was taking knives and shoving through my lower stomach and burning my insides.

I clutched my stomach before falling to the ground whilst tears slipped from my eyes.
I screamed out in agony, needing someone to come in to my aid.
I saw blood start to pool around my thighs and I cried even harder.

Is my baby okay?

Is my baby okay?

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