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"You're Pregnant."

Those words kept ringing through my mind, causing complete anxiety to fill my body and mind.

I cannot be pregnant, there is no way, I am on the pill.
I walked through the front door of J's house, knowing he wouldn't be home at this time.
I racked my brain for ways to tell him, because I had to tell him, right?

Maybe I could just keep it a secret until I start showing.
I quickly took the book that the hospital provided me titled "What To Expect When You're Expecting."
And layed it on top of a pile of books that was already there.
I have to remember to take that to my room.

I quickly made my way to the shower feeling disgusting from yesterday's events.
I took a quick, hot shower and got dressed into a oversized t-shirt, and nike leggings.
I still didn't feel too great from being dehydrated, and ya know pregnant.

"I don't give two shits what Dent wants! I will take him, and all of his little minions and burn them in an even bigger fire than they're about to create!"
I heard J's voice scream out, at whom I'm presuming is Johnny Frost.

I heard his heavy footsteps come stomping up the stairs, leading to where the door is.
My heart is beating so fast.
Tell him.
Do not tell him!
You have to tell him.
If you tell him, he'll kill you.
The voices in my head keep me in a whirlwind of thoughts.

The door flew open, revealing a very stressed looking Joker.
He was wearing his maroon colored button up shirt, and his black dress pants.
"Oh hello pumpkin, what did the hospital tell you?" he asked curiously, whilst his whole demeanor changed.

"Oh well, t-they told me I was just d-dehydrated, t-that's all." I said with a quivering voice.
J looked at me curiously before speaking again
"Well alright doll." he said
"Why don't you go take a bath or something, daddy is busy, okay?" he said waving me off

I just nodded before running down the hallway to my room and shutting the door.
I sat on the bed trying to figure out what to do with my anxiety filled self, when I remembered something important..

The book. Shit.

I left it lying right ontop of the other book in his room.
What to I do?!
My thoughts ran wild trying to think of away to get the book back discreetly.
I paced, and paced around the room, until I heard a loud thump, sounding like something hit my door.

I jumped at the sound before running to the door and pulling it open.
I looked around, and then looked down, seeing the book lying right at my feet.
I'm dead.

I bent down and picked up the book, laying it on the bed, and then turned back around to see a very surprised looking Joker.
He sauntered into my room, pacing slowly around the bed, with his arms hooked together behind his back.

He swiftly turned on one heel, picking up the book in the process.
"And what might this be?" he asked, making a clicking sound with his tongue.
I just swallowed hard, whilst wracking my brain for and answer.

"Well i-it's a uh, it's a book." I said stating the obvious, and mentally cursing myself for doing so.
He shot me the most unimpressed look before clearing his throat and speaking again,
"I know it's a book darling, but care to explain why you have this particular genre?" he asked with a warning filled tone

"W-well you see, sent me the wrong book, it was an honest mistake!" I exclaimed, proud of myself for the on-the-spot lie.
J gave me the biggest eye roll before throwing the book across the room, making me jump.
He grasped my shoulders very harshly, and shoved me hard against the wall, never breaking eye contact.

A pain shot through my back as he pressed me hard against the wall.
"Tell me the truth Taylor, I would hate to have to find the truth myself." he said with a growl in the back of his throat.

A single tear slipped from my eye before I spoke unsurely,
"J, I uh- i'm well, i'm pregnant." I said, the words slipping off my tongue like poison.
His arms dropped to his side, whilst the places where his eyebrows would be furrowed angrily.

He turned around quickly before clenching his pale, large fists.
"I thought you were on the pill! You told me you were!" He shouted so loud, it made my heart flutter in fear

"I-I am on the pill, but sometimes it f-fails." I said back to him barely above a whisper.
Tears fell from my tear ducts, whilst my chest heaved in pain.
"You careless bitch!" J shouted, making my heart twinge in pain
I was whimpering words such as "please" and "stop".

He stomped over to me, and slapped me right across my tear stained cheek, causing my mouth to open in shock, and pain.
He growled before yelling once more

"The Joker can't have a child! No way, and you knew that! You probably just did this on purpose you whore!" he yelled causing me to get more than angry.
I am furious.
But the words that he said next, hurt the worst,

"Get out. Get out Taylor, I never want to see you ever again." he said with an angry tone, but much quieter this time.
I looked up at him, not being able to find the words to say, before just turning around and walking out of my now old room.

I quickly turned back around to him whilst walking down the stairs and quietly said
"Goodbye Jack."
Knowing I was saying goodbye to whatever memory I ever held onto of my Jack.

I walked past Johnny Frost who's face held an guilty expression.
I opened the front door and slammed it behind me, walking down the long driveway, whilst the wind blew my brunette hair around.

"Well kid, it's just you and me." I said clutching my stomach, as more tears fell down my face.

Authors Note:Well that was extremely hard to write, I'm crying

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Authors Note:
Well that was extremely hard to write, I'm crying.
-Until next time my friends, Xoxo 💚💜

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