Saved me?

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I felt my legs scooting against the asphalt, creating a burning friction like no other.
I dragged myself with my arms, desperately trying to squirm away from the monster of a man getting out of his car.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" His voice rang out, sending millions of shreds of fear down my body.
I mustered up any speaking voice that i could find
"P-please j-just let me go. I cant do this.." i cried out in agony looking towards the man known as the Joker.
He looked at me in a somewhat curious manner, and squatted down to where i am.
is he going to kill me now?
My thoughts taunted with me
His big pale hand reached toward the right side of my torso, where a gaping wound was visible
"Did he do this?" The Joker asked with such anger, pointing towards the man that shot me
I quickly just nodded at to say yes to him.
Faster than i could have even fathomed, The Joker who was once squatted down to my level, was now up and on his feet, and in one swift movement, he shot the man right between the eyeballs.
"Oh my god!" i heathed out towards the Joker
All the sudden i felt myself being picked up and cradled, as if i was only an infant.
He carried me right back into the place i had just escaped, and sat me down on the kitchen counter.
I looked around, feeling a bit dizzy from losing blood, and being out of breath.
I watched as the man infront of me bent down and collected items from a low cabinet.
He quickly leaned back up, and sat the objects down beside me.
He looked me straight in the eyes before i hear his voice interrupt the silence.
"Chug this." was all he said before handing me a straight bottle of alcohol.
I didn't hesitate, and quickly started drinking the liquid, feeling it burn my throat.
It wasn't long before it was downed, and i was feeling a whole lot better.
"This is going to hurt like a bitch." i heard his low nasally voice call out to me.
He grabbed a utensil, and layed me down on the counter whilst he ripped half of my shirt, to see the fresh wound.
I felt a stinging, pinching sensation roll through my body as he grasped the tiny peices of led with the tweezers.
I felt myself slipping out of consciousness, trying my best not to let my eyes flutter
"Stay with me, stay with me." i heard his raspy voice command me
I gritted my teeth as i felt another surge of coursing pain throb through my pale flesh.
"i-i can't take it-" was what i managed to ramble out, sounding like a whole new language.
Suddenly the rummaging feeling of tweezers stopped, and i saw, and felt The Joker stitching up my newly given wound.
He sat me up, carefully, before wrapping a bandage around my torso and onto my wound.
I blinked vigorously a few dozen times, before looking the man that was staring at me straight in the eyes.
"I am sorry, that i tried to escape. I-i was just nervously crazed." i explained, trying to beg for forgiveness and maybe even my life.
He just sighed and gritted his teeth before staring straight into my eyes, and down into my soul.
"That was your first, and final strike, I won't be so nice next time.." he warned me in a harsh tone of voice.
"Now, ya need to rest." was all he said as he leaned my body against his, and guided me too a huge room.
He gently picked me up and laid me softly beneath the dark red sheets of a huge king sized bed.
He swiftly turned around, and walked over to the golden framed door,
"Sleep." was all i heard from him as he quickly turned the light off and left me in darkness, shutting the door behind him.
Well what's the worst that can happen
I thought to myself, eventually letting myself drift off into sleep.

Jokers Pov:
You should of punished her.
You should have killed her.
Do you like her?
Are you going soft?
The voices screeched inside of my head, filling me with anger.
"Shut up." i said aloud to the voices making them subside.
I quickly walked away from the door of my room, where i had just laid an injured woman.
Is she worth it?
That question keeps ringing through my mind making me actually question myself.
I think maybe she might be worth it, she seems strong, and willing. Maybe i could turn her into someone crazy, like me.. or maybe she just needs a little push!
But i can't help my tell myself that she is worth it. Worth all of this trouble.
I have never saved anyone's life except for my own. But tonight i saved her life, Taylor's life.
I cant help my feel a distant, but familiar feeling when i look at her.
I need to rid myself of all of these thoughts.
I grabbed my keys off of the counter, where i had laid them down.
I looked around before yelling,
"Frost, clean up this mess!" I demanded, talking of the bloody mess i had left on the kitchen counter, from Taylor's gunshot wound.
"And also drag the dead man off of my front lawn!" i demanded once again at Frosty boy.
I sauntered down the front steps of my home and swiftly slid into the drivers seat of my car.
Let's go have some fun!!
The voices suggested inside of my head
i smiled and nodded my head, revving up my purple Lamborghini's engine.
I started to pull out of my drive as one more thought popped into my deranged head.
Taylor. Her. Is she okay?
I just sighed, whilst gritting my teeth, and hitting my head against the cold interior of my car.
It's going to be a long night.

It's going to be a long night

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