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Joker's POV:
She is consuming my time.
What the hell am I thinking?
I don't just chase women around trying to scare them with a fucking spider.
I-I chase them with knives and guns and weapons to scare them.
She, Taylor, is making me feel something, I don't know what the feeling is, but it's definitely there.
It's making me feel soft.
And that's just not gonna work.
She has to leave, it's for my own good.
kill her.
torture her first.
throw her in the ocean.
"SHUT THE HELL UP." I screamed at the voices guiding me in the direction of Taylor's death.
I'm not going to kill her, i'm just simply making her leave.

Taylor's POV:

I quickly finish up eating my meal, consisting of chicken and waffles, and head back upstairs to sit in my room.
There is literally nothing to do around here besides get screamed at or twiddle your thumbs.
I reach the familiar red door, and twist the door handle, feeling the cold metallic feeling of silver sting my skin.
I walk into the room and sit down on the side of the bed looking around contemplating on what to do.
I look around the room, and my eyes land on a book, sitting by itself ontop of the nightstand.
I pick it up, and blow some dust off of the front cover, looking at its dark interior.
I read the front page titling "To Kill A Mockingbird."
Well shit.
I read the crap in highschool.
I quickly start thinking of other things to do besides just lay on the bed.
I guess I could go bother J, I rendered.

I get up from the bed, and head back downstairs to the room with the words
"Do Not Enter" engraved in gold, on its front door.
I quickly knock a couple of times before going in.
"Leave me alone!" I hear those words being screamed from behind the door.
maybe he thinks it's Frost or something.
I decide to just open the door and let myself in.
"I thought I told you to-, oh it's you doll."
The Joker stares up at me with questioning eyes.
"I-i am kinda bored so I thought i'd come bug you." I told him, trying to joker around,
"You're bored? Oh you're bored! Poor princess is bored!" he teases whilst laughing and looking around.
He walks towards me before talking again,
"I've been thinking about you, a lot to be quite frank! I've been thinking about how you're making me softer than I need to be, possibly breaking one of my many walls that i've built, maybe cracking the code!" he stated laughing even louder than last time.
He laid his hand right on top of my shoulder looking me straight in the eyes whilst moving his face closer and closer to mine.
I can feel his breath on my lips, making shivers race down my spine
"And me going soft just isn't going to work." He whispered so softly, making my voice inaudible.
A pain goes through my shoulder, as I feel his large hand grip my scrawny shoulder angrily.
"Get out of here. Go before I kill you!" He screamed into my face
I felt my eyes welling up with the familiar feeling of tears
"W-what, n-no don't make me leave, i-i can still help you!" I plead out to him, knowing the lease on my apartment is up, leaving me homeless in Gotham city.
He just looks down at me with an anger that makes me want to run away screaming
"You were just going to be my little toy Ms.Parks, but as it turns out, you're just no fun!" he tells me, laughing loudly in my face.
I rack my brain trying to find any way to break into his strong facade.
The only thing I could think of was to call him by his true name,
"J-Jack?" I call out his name, in more of questioning manner than demanding
He slowly turns on his heel, with rage seeping from his aura of stance, as he turned, I watched as his long pointer finger went up and shook at me, as if telling me 'no'

The only thing I could think of was to call him by his true name,"J-Jack?" I call out his name, in more of questioning manner than demanding He slowly turns on his heel, with rage seeping from his aura of stance, as he turned, I watched as his lon...

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"Oh no no, you do not, EVER, call me by that title." he stated, the words dripping off his tounge attacking my ears like poison
"Get. Out. Of. My. Damn. House." he warned me one last time
I looked up at him, showing him the hurt he has cause me, with tears falling down my face.
I turned around feeling as if my world had been flipped upside down once again in my life.
I walked up to the door twisting the handle opening it, before turning around to say one last thing.
"Everyone leaves." I said to the pale man standing infront of me, while more tears fell down my face

" I said to the pale man standing infront of me, while more tears fell down my face

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I walked out of the room gasping for breaths as I cried.
I walked towards the front door, questioning my way of thinking now a days.
I slowly walked down the front steps of the mansion I wanted to leave so desperately at one point.
But being here, around the broken man that I once loathed, made me realize, i'm just as crazy as him, just in a different way, It made me realize that i crave the thrill of being around him, it made me realize that
i-i love him.

I love The Joker.

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