Into you(Chapter - 15)

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What the hell is wrong with me? Today I could go any other coffee shop but I went to Eiden's coffee shop where Cara works.

I insisted her to talk to me and what we talked about some stupid shits. But I really wanted to know why Zara slaped her. It boiled my blood when I saw she slaped her.

Cara is a obsession to me. I really want to know her, her past, present,her likings and dislikings. I wanted to know from that when we first met.

My phone is ringing from my bed side table. I stand up from the study table and pick the phone. To all of my surprise I saw it's Cara who is calling me.

I pick up the phone and said," hello!"

But there is no response. Should I pretend that I don't who is calling.

"Hello! Who's there?"

After my question I heard the beep! beep! sound of phone. That's mean she cuts the phone. What the hell is wrong with her? First she calls me then she cut off the phone. I dialled her number.

"Hello!" She said in a very low voice.

"Who's there?"

"Nobody." She said.


"Sorry, I mean it's a wrong number." Why is she pretending like this.

"Is this Ms.Arora?" so I stop pretending.

"Umm.. yes sir." she replied. When she says sir to me, it make me feel so old. I told her to call me Daniel outside but she always calls me that.

"So,what makes you to call me and then cut off the call? " I asked her.

"Actually sir. .. I found your number on my phone. I thought it must notbe real. So I call you to be sure and I thought you will not pick the call but unfortunately you picked. I thought you must be busy but you picked. Why did you pick the call? It's your fault.... and.."

"Shut up please! I can't catch one word of yours, you talked so fast." I know I'm being rude to her. I always did that.

"I am sorry sir! I'm just nervous." she mumbled. I know I make her that nervous.

"But I captured the last sentence you said. That is you call me and that's my fault. Would you please explain how?" I smirks. I really want to talk to her.

"I said I'm sorry. All said because of my nervous nerbs." did I make her that  nervous. Damn! Daniel.

"So,you called me without no reason.."

"Sir, I was just wondering how I got your number on my phone?" She said.

"Oh! I put on that. If you want to say me thank you for the phone.." saying this Ismirks and I think that was my decision to put on my number on her phone.

"I think I thanked you before."

"So,what. If you want to thank me again."

"Sir, sometimes you behaved weird." Yeah for you. Wish I could tell her this words.

"As like??" I asked.

"As like now."

"I'm not behaving weird. I think your behaviour is weird that you call me late night." But I am happy for that.

"I explained why I called you."

"I think this is not true. You were missing me that's why you called me." Please say yes. I would run to your home now.

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