Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Flashback to… July 15

The next thing I remember was feeling excruciating pain in my head and left wrist and feeling pretty chilly. Still not completely conscious, I tried to cover myself to escape the chill.

My eyes flew open when I realized why I was so cold. I was completely naked! After fully comprehending this horrific fact, I began looking around frantically for my clothes. That was when I realized where I was... I was in a cage. Not only that, but I was outside in a metal-barred cage. I had never been so scared in my entire life. My wild thoughts finally slowed to one: What has he done to me? Of course I remembered the man in the mask.

I began examining myself with my right hand. As I had feared earlier, my left wrist was definitely either sprained or broken. My right hand immediately went to the side of my head. There, I felt dried blood from where he hit me with the gun. Then, it moved to my face. There was blood all over the right side of it.

By then, I had realized I was alone. It was daytime, and I was locked in a small cage in what looked to be the woods. God only knew exactly where I was. My clothes were piled outside the cage, and, had they been in my right arm's reach, I would have grabbed them through one of the cage's small holes.

I have to get out of here! I thought. But how? Who knew how much time there was before my kidnapper would return? And then what? What will he do to me? What kind of sick bastard am I dealing with? He's left me alone in a cage like a dog! And I'm completely naked!

I began to cry weak, scared tears, and when the tears hit the wounds on my face, I wailed at the sting. I wanted out of this nightmare! But no, this wasn't a nightmare. This was a living hell, and I was very much awake.

What if I die? The thought could not be ignored. I would never be able to live my dreams! I would die younger than my parents had with only high school under my belt! Oh, how I wished I had taken a self defense course, or Girl Scouts… or something!

The man wasn't a complete idiot, that was for sure. He had left me completely vulnerable on purpose, I could tell. It was torture, like a cruel game, and this was my torture chamber!

Suddenly, I heard someone approaching. I scrambled to a corner of the cage, brought my knees to my chest, and wrapped my right arm around them for covering. The person came into view, and it was, of course, the man in the mask. He stopped when he reached the cage and proceeded to stare at me. His eyes were all I could see. And how I hated those eyes. Those light blue eyes! I would never forget those, just as I would never forget his face.

Silence settled for a long time. Dead silence. I was slowly going crazy under the unknowing. Why won't he speak? Why won't he speak? "W-what's going on?" I yelled, although the words seemed stupid to my ears.

With that, he hit the cage with terrifying strength. It was his way of warning me to shut up. I had never felt so helpless.

All was silent, yet again, except for our breathing, mine terrified, his angry.

Then, to my complete and utter horror, he brought a key from his pocket and unlocked the top of the cage. He then removed the top and threw it to the side. The walls around me fell to the ground, and there was nothing separating the two of us any longer.

My teeth chattered helplessly in fear, but I did try to scramble to my feet. There was no way I would give up without a fight! I had to run!

No sooner than I tried did he grab me by my hair. I screamed as he yanked it so hard that I fell back to the ground.

I was completely under his control.

No! This was not the way it was supposed to be! I have a future, and it's not this! A mad rage overcame me, and I kicked and clawed at his tall form. "Let go of me!"

I should have just left him alone, because, next thing I knew, he grabbed my already wounded left wrist with his free hand and squeezed it.

The pain was too much. So much, in fact, that I vomited all over him and the ground.

Surprisingly, that disgusting display took him off guard, and he let go of my hair. In the moment of freedom, I yanked my immobile left arm from his grasp and did the only thing I knew to cause him pain. I kicked him in the crotch.

Even more surprising than him releasing his grip on my hair was that the blow I sent brought him to his knees. I will never know where the strength came from. I can only assume that my desperation and terror turned to determination and adrenaline.

Although it was certainly a triumphant moment, what with me bringing such a tall man to his knees, there was definitely no time for rejoicing. Before he even hit the ground, I was off. I grabbed my clothes off of the ground with my right hand and ran for my life. I don't think an Olympic runner could have caught up with me, much less my injured kidnapper.

I sprinted through the woods refusing to let up a bit. Tree branches scraped my face and bare body, but I didn't slow down. Who knew how much time I had actually gained by kicking him?

If he were to find me, I didn't even want to think of what he would do… how angry he would be…

The woods were never ending, it seemed. Where am I? I thought desperately. Still running as fast as ever, I averted my eyes from the path ahead to briefly observe my surroundings.

Unfortunately, that was a mistake because, just as soon as my eyes left the trail, I tripped over a branch and fell to the ground, my left arm being smashed beneath my body in the process. I let out a nasty yelp but quickly gasped at my stupidity of making my position known. I scrambled back to my feet despite the want to rest and the blood that was everywhere, and I ran, although I knew it was at a slower pace than before.

I became more attentive and my hearing more keen as I ran through those endless woods. Thank God for that, because, a few minutes later, I heard the rustling of leaves in the distance. I could feel his presence, and it was approaching quickly.

Tears sprang to my eyes as I realized I could not outrun him. There was no alternative plan. There was nowhere to hide.

Hospital room…

My breathing was coming out in spurts, and my right knuckles were white from grasping my bed sheets so hard. I looked at the police man with terrified eyes that seemed to say, I need to stop!

He didn't need anymore signs. He put a comforting hand on my shoulder and soothingly, yet with a business-like tone, said, "It's alright, Ms. Daae. You do not have to continue now. You are doing very well. I will come back tomorrow."

He pressed the 'Stop' button on the tape recorder and left the room. A nurse came in moments later, but I was only barely aware of her presence. My thoughts were overrun with memories of my horrific recent past.

From a distance, it seemed, I heard the nurse say, "I have given you a mild tranquilizer to help you sleep."

I was in a deep sleep only seconds later.

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