Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Grant's Residence… July 26

Christine's POV

My heart was racing as Michael and I walked towards the room. William Grant would be there. I felt like I would have a heart attack.

Before I knew it, we were there, standing before the closed door. I nearly passed out as Michael threw it open. There, standing in the middle of the room, was none other than my kidnapper and rapist.

Once the initial frozen terror was out of the picture, my eyes found Erik's. I noticed that William had a sword. He introduced Erik to Michael, but it was not exactly an introduction, for they both knew each other.

Then, suddenly, William kicked another sword towards us. Michael got it quickly and, just as quickly, I found the sharp blade against my throat. I swear I almost blacked out.

All of them were speaking, but I couldn't register it. The sword scared me out of my mind.

Finally, some words began clicking. They were definitely not what I wanted to hear.

William spoke. "Wait until you see her naked."

I forced myself not to start whimpering like a baby. But this whole situation was almost too much for me to bear.

Next thing I knew, the two of them were insisting on seeing Erik without his mask. If I could have intervened, I would have. But there was nothing I could do with a sword to my throat.

And then, in a frenzy of action, William managed to slice the mask off Erik's face.

I gasped at William's heartless ways, but face slightly paled at the sight. There stood Erik, my friend, without his mask. The deformity was bad, I couldn't lie... But what presided over everything else was how I wished to help him! I couldn't imagine what Erik, our leader throughout this entire ordeal, was feeling or thinking.

And as I continued to look, I came to the conclusion that his face was not nearly as horrible as the sick bastards we were dealing with. His deformity made no difference to me.

Erik was doing nothing but watching me. Why? Did he expect me to help in some way? There's nothing I can do! I'm so sorry!

Erik's POV

The mask was off. My world crumbled. Christine was horrified. The monster was unleashed.

Lost in thought, I failed to notice William approached me again. He raised the sword to my now-bare face. I didn't even flinch as the tip barely tore into my rotten flesh.

Life was over for me. There was no reason to continue living. Memories of my past came rushing back.

"You little shit! You disgust me," my mother shunned. "I cannot take it any longer. I want you out of my house. Get out!"

Another later memory made its way to my thoughts.

"Ew, who's the new kid? What's with the mask?" The orphans' whispers caused me to shrink back in shame. "I heard his mother called him a monster. I bet he's really scary underneath that mask."

Memories of all of the times William and his brother had beaten and humiliated me came rushing back, as well. They were the worst memories of all. The Grants killed any sort of heart I might have had.

They were the cause of my violent ways. I had never hurt anyone before Michael. He brought the beast out.

But now, as I stood before them without my mask -my shelter- I could not muster the strength to bring the raging beast forward.

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