Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Hospital room… July 24

It was the night before leaving the hospital, and I was so happy and nervous about that fact that it was hard to fall asleep. That wasn't unusual, though. I really hadn't gotten good sleep in over a week.

I resigned to laying there and silently count to 1000. Maybe that would tire me.

At one point, I glanced at the clock and found it to be 2:00 am. This 'no sleep' thing was really getting to be ridiculous. I was beginning to resemble a raccoon under the eyes, and it didn't thrill me at all.

I must have fallen asleep at some point, though, because, next thing I knew, I had woken up. Well, I didn't open my eyes, but I was conscious, and I knew exactly why.

There was someone in the room. I instantly tensed up and prayed it was only a nurse. Whoever it was suddenly took hold of my right wrist, the one without the cast, very gently. I was aware it was the wrist that held my ID wristband, and my breathing quickened. Then, just as suddenly as he took hold of it, he dropped it sensing I wasn't asleep, and, before I could scream, he covered my mouth and whispered, "I will not hurt you, Christine."

I opened my eyes and slapped his gloved hand away before backing away as far as I could on the bed, which was very little. I whispered, "Who in the hell are you?" I have no idea why I chose to whisper. My mind was telling me to scream, but my heart told me to hold on.

"My name is Nadir."

Nadir? What kind of name is that? I reached over and turned on a lamp to get a better view of him.

"I would prefer it to be dark," he said uneasily.

I glared at the intruder. He had dark skin, black hair, and dark brown eyes. Clearly, he wasn't from this country, but he did know how to dress like he was. "I don't give a damn what you want!" I hissed. "Why are you here?"

"Business," he promptly replied.

"'Business'? I'm your business?" I paused before becoming quite angry. "Get out," I quietly demanded.

"He said you were temperamental," Nadir mumbled.

"Who said that?" He quickly turned to leave, but there was no way I would allow that. Not yet. I climbed out of the hospital bed and blocked the door, thankful that I was no longer hooked to an IV. The man didn't even try to get by. He just stood there looking defenseless.

It had to look like an odd scene to any bystander. Me, a skinny eighteen year old girl in a hospital gown making it so that a man more than twice my age couldn't escape. He was so weak! It was unbelievable! I felt my own power rise.

"Who were you talking about?" When he didn't answer immediately, I yelled, "Tell me!" and he cringed.

"Look, Mademoiselle, my presence here is really none of your concern. I am here on business."

"So, who sent you if this is 'business'?" He still didn't answer! I quickly glanced at the clock and noticed it was 4:30 am. "What in the hell could you want with me at 4:30 in the morning? And, don't even think of saying it 'is really none of my concern'. It's my hospital room! Tell me or I'll scream!" When he still didn't say anything, I opened my mouth to scream, but he quickly reached out to cover it with his gloved hand. Such an act reminded me too much of my rape, and I slapped the hand away.

"Alright, I will tell you… I was told not to bring any attention to myself, so I cannot allow you to scream..." I glared at him impatiently. "Alright, my name is Nadir Kahn. I came here to find information about you."

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