Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Erik's house...July 28

Erik's POV

I am quite sure no one actually knew how much pain I was in, both emotionally and physically. Well, 'no one' being 'Nadir'.

When we returned to my home, Nadir made a complaint about his aching shoulder and went to bed. I, on the other hand, proceeded to do what I did best when in pain.

Destruction. I went to the most private area of the house, my bedroom, and in my anger tore important documents to shreds, destroyed expensive belongings, and broke a mirror I had long ago stashed away in a drawer.

It was the crash of glass that brought Nadir to the room. "What the devil is going on in here?"

I was breathing heavily and looking at my hands with spite in my eyes. "Get out, Daroga," I ordered with an edge in my tone.

I was not facing him, but I knew he was near. "What is wrong, Erik?"

My pain grew increasingly. "I said, get out!"

He knew when enough was enough and left the room with a sigh.

'What is wrong?' 'What is wrong?!' Everything! She left. I let her leave. I will never see her lovely face again. I will never listen to her sweet voice again. I will never view that exciting personality. She is gone. She left my love for her behind.

It was then that my anger turned to anguish. I fell to the ground sobbing. I wished to tear my own heart out.

Christine's house... Two weeks later.. August 11

Christine's POV

Two weeks passed. Yeah, two weeks.

My life was returning to the way it had been before my kidnapping. Meg even took me on one of her shopping excursions one day. But, mostly, I practiced singing. The first day of college was approaching quickly, and I wanted to be in top shape when it arrived.

On the outside, my life really seemed to be turning around and taking a nice shape.

On the inside, however, my heart was bleeding. I'd been missing Erik more and more with each passing second. And, it had been a lot of seconds with two weeks having passed.

My voice was not to its utmost potential because I was not at my utmost potential. Meg and Aunt Giry couldn't see it, but I was slipping into a depression that ran fairly deep.

I mean, let's see.. I'd been kidnapped, raped, abused, misunderstood, and in unrequited love… It seemed life could get no worse.

So, all I could live for was my voice, and even it wasn't enough. Not even music could soothe my soul. My weary soul. May it wither and die, I thought dramatically.

In the blink of an eye, the day of attending college was a week away. I'd been practicing my singing everyday to try to get my mind off of the pain.

But, it was getting worse. I knew I'd lost a few pounds. My normally smooth and glossy curls were a frizzled mess. My skin, already a porcelain color, was even paler than usual. I was slipping into nothingness.

And now the family was beginning to notice. It was a rainy Tuesday when Meg knocked on my bedroom door. "Come in," I tiredly said.

Meg entered the room tentatively looking like if she made one wrong movement I might explode.

I sighed and said, "You can sit down, you know."

She did as she was told and sat still for a while before finally confronting the situation. "Christine, sweetie, what's wrong?"

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