Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

William Grant's residence… July 26

Christine's POV

"What do we do, Erik?" Nadir asked. We were still in the car. The sun was shining mercilessly, and I had begun to sweat. But, it was not only because of the heat. I was also terrified, due to what we were getting ourselves into.

"First, I hand out the weapons. Here is your knife, Daroga." Nadir took it and immediately put it in his pocket. "And, Christine, your gun." Our hands touched in the process of his giving it to me, and I could feel the understanding between us. I briefly noticed how tiny the gun was before tucking it in my pocket.

We sat there for a little while. Erik and Nadir were watching the house intently, and I was focusing on my breathing.

"I see something," Nadir suddenly said. My eyes instantly turned towards the house. "I saw a curtain move. The upstairs window."

"He is onto us," Erik murmured. I stared at him in fear.

"Erik, how could he be? He has no way of knowing we are here," Nadir reminded.

Erik didn't say anything else. He seemed to be as confused about it as we were.

Erik's POV

"I have tried to be calm," I whispered. My two companions looked at me questioningly. "But now, I cannot try any longer." I turned my attention to Christine. "Christine, I am not a patient man." I then reached for the door handle on my side.

"Erik, what in the hell are you doing? Get a hold of yourself! We need to wait!" Nadir frantically tried to stop me.

"Ah, Daroga, I have waited long enough." I again turned my attention towards the door.

"No, Erik! Wait! Wait with us! We need to come up with a plan together. Good god, man, do you even have a plan?"

Nadir's questions were irritating as well as time consuming. I ignored him. "There is no need for you two to follow. Stay behind."

"No, wait.." came a timid request from Christine.

Her words sent me spiraling back to reality. I stopped and turned towards the beautiful girl. "What is it?" I calmly asked.

She had a tragic look on her face. "It's just.. I-.." She was trying to find the words but failed.

"Do not worry, Christine," I tenderly commanded. I could sense Nadir's eyes on me as I spoke. "Everything will be over soon." I then turned, opened the door, and ran from the car towards the house. Having no plan, I went straight for the front door. Strangely, it opened without me having to do anything.

Christine's POV

I inwardly cursed as I watched the car door close. "This is bad, Nadir."

"This is worse than 'bad', Christine. Erik is going to get himself killed!"

I sat and thought about what Nadir was saying. I don't want Erik to die.. I don't want him to die! "No! He's not going to get killed because we're going after him. Come on!"

"What?" But, I was already halfway out the door before he could say anything else. Luckily, he followed and we both ran to the front door, me taking the lead.

The door opened for us, which made my heart pound. I almost turned away, but I then remembered Erik and walked forward.

"Christine," Nadir whispered worriedly.

Before he could say anymore, we both stopped. Right inside, Erik was fighting six men. None of them were my kidnapper. It was Erik against six guys, and he was holding his own! It was terrifying.. but it was also most impressive.

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