Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Erik's house, Nadir's car, Christine's car… July 28

Nadir's POV

I sat in Erik's den pretending to read a book. Really, though, I was not reading. How could I when I had just left my two best friends alone together? Especially when those friends were completely and totally in love with one another. There was no way I could read a book. Neither Erik nor Christine knew of the other's feelings. It was just too great!

It was a brilliant idea on my part to leave them alone together. Now, I would listen intently for any sign of their situation.

Third Person POV

Erik led Christine to stand in the bow of his grand piano. Immediately, Christine situated herself into a singing position.

Erik smiled as he walked to the piano bench excited about how much talent she already possessed. I cannot wait to hear her. "Warm-ups?" he asked while gracefully sitting on the bench.

Christine laughed. "Yeah, I'll definitely need that."

Erik began to play, and she sang. Sure, her voice was a bit rusty due to not using it in over three weeks, but she was still so great. Erik closed his eyes focusing fully on her energy and continued up the keys of the piano, her voice getting higher and higher.

Then, though, her voice cracked. Erik's eyes instantly opened, and he returned to reality. What am I doing?

"I- I'm sorry.." She was blushing fiercely.

Erik was blushing just as deeply beneath the mask. "No, it was my fault. I was not fully focused. You should not sing this high so quickly. My apologies.. Now, let's see. Your breath support is extraordinary." Beneath the mask, one could see a look of extreme pride. Christine smiled. "Your strength on notes is somewhat tarnished, but all can be fixed with time, my dear."

Christine nodded sadly while thinking about everything in her life that needed fixing, but she quickly let go of those thoughts and looked determined. "Yeah, it'll be fixed."

They continued warming up for quite some time before Erik finally said, "I believe we are finished for now. It would not be wise to continue."

Christine understood, glad to take a break. As it turned out, Erik was a tough vocal instructor. She liked it. She found she wished to please him. "Ok."

If it were possible, his love for her grew. He'd had a feeling it would after hearing her voice, but it surprised him by just how much it did. Music. It was what he was. It was in his veins. So, to meet the voice of an angel was just too great. His heart could almost not handle such warm feelings, for it had been cold for far too long. And, to keep those new feelings hidden? It was nearly too much to ask. But, he had to try. "Christine," he said with every ounce of control he could muster, although it still came across with husky undertones.

She suddenly felt her mouth go dry when he said her name. "Yeah?" she asked softly.

"Would you like some tea?"

"Sure," she replied. "But first, could I have some water?"

"Of course."

They went to the kitchen of the house, and Christine sat at the table. Everything was beautiful in his home. Very unique, completely what she envisioned for Erik.

Erik's POV

I led her to the kitchen of my home inwardly praying to whoever would listen that everything would be perfect.

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